Wed 22 May 2019 8:26AM

Election to UK Worker Coop Council - closing 7 June

SWS Sion Whellens (Principle Six/Calverts) Public Seen by 102

6 people are standing for 4 places. If your worker coop is a Coops UK member, you should have received a unique voting link; if not, request one from @johnatherton.

Here is a link to the details and candidate statements. Note the ‘vote now’ button will not work (see above): https://co-operativesuk.createsend1.com/t/ViewEmail/t/D6F641AC7C277CE72540EF23F30FEDED


Sion Whellens (Principle Six/Calverts) Wed 22 May 2019 8:28AM

My coop Calverts voted for
Debbie Clarke


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Wed 22 May 2019 8:40AM

As far as I recall we did the same.