Mon 11 Feb 2019 2:54AM

EFF vision Sandbox to play in

DC Dean Cameron Public Seen by 134

Kittea has started the process of creating a vision we all agree with. We each probably have our own vision of what ELF and the ELF property could be. let's help this process along by sharing our own personal vision for what elf is about. I just read a great article on Worldbuilding. it struck me that not only does ELF get to play with virtual world ideas but we have the advantage that we can make a tangible World and inhabit it. i thought we were further down the path than envisaging our world in words but maybe I'm mistaken. maybe we need to keep revisiting our "Minecraft world and reshaping it before we actually make it out of earth and stone, air and water and solar fire! let this thread be our virtual world sandbox. im happy if it forks into several dimensions of our ELF world.


Dean Cameron Mon 11 Feb 2019 2:58AM

My personal vision statement for ELF is - To co-create an enduring sacred place of abundance, joy and laughter.


Dean Cameron Mon 11 Feb 2019 3:07AM

my vision for the property is - to co-create an ecosystem of intergenerational human habitats, artistically carved into the rock, covered and surrounded by moist fertile soil and abundant with food and fun.


Dean Cameron Mon 11 Feb 2019 3:45AM

at this stage Im not honestly sure if anyone else in ELF shares this same vision. I see a future world where billions of people will live in Lifebubbles habitats but at this stage i will be perfectly content to just build one beautiful example I can learn to manage for the rest of my life. I can do that on Monique's place and work with people anywhere in the world who catch the vision and want to put in the effort and resources needed to make one. What I think Im saying is I don't need 303 Mooloolah rd to create/fulfil my own destiny. It was an opportunity. An opportunity it seems no one is ready to actually commit to yet. Maybe the timing is just wrong and people need to see one, sleep in one and taste the fruit for themselves before they want one badly enough to expend some actual resources to create their own Lifebubble. Im facing the stark realities of our situation and i guess i want people to put down in writing their own personal visions for ELF. Tom, Nicole and Alex have left and there has been little engagement with ELF since (none from Nicole). Sam has flagged his intention to leave in March. Sun and Kittea feel like they cant go forward with their plans on the property and have kindly offered to help get the property ready for sale, and have also stepped up create the ads to see if there is anyone out there who has a vision aligned to ELF's and wants to move onto the property. Early days for responses but nothing tangible yet. So that just leaves me - feeling like its been a long arc back to where i started in September 2015 or even earlier really. like i said i dont need the ELF property to continue my dream. So given our financial situation of needing to refinance before June, are there any of you in the group who want to step up and become co-owners by buying out a share of the mortgage? If not i think it is in our best interests to sell the property. If this is our decision then who apart from Sun & Kittea would like to help me prepare the property for sale? Sam and Tom and Nicole have not yet paid Feb rent so at this stage in a weeks time we wont have enough for the rates payment. Im trusting they will pay what they have said they will. But in any-case we need to set a date to put in on the market if that is the decision.


Poll Created Mon 11 Feb 2019 4:01AM

That if we get no renters by the end of March we get the property presentable and ready to put on the market by April. Closed Mon 18 Feb 2019 3:01AM

Sun & Kittea have done the ads and we have disseminated them. If we get no one wanting to buy in by end of Feb then in March we will get Jess Luthje (real estate Agent) to try and rent out the top floor. If we haven't got a renter by end of March I won't be able to continue paying the expenses from my credit card and we will have to list the property for sale with Jess.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 75.0% 3 T DC S
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 25.0% 1 RW
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 4 P MK NH

4 of 8 people have participated (50%)


Dean Cameron
Mon 11 Feb 2019 4:25AM

This is my default action plan in the absence of other input from the team. If we don't get a rental lease agreement for $600/week by end of March (or as a long shot someone to buy in) then we don't have any realistic chance of refinancing. our only option at this point will be to sell the property. It will trash the value of what we have done down stairs but given none of us can put in money to get it to lockup stage i think this will just have to be a loss we wear.


Rodney Whitman
Mon 11 Feb 2019 4:30AM

What does it cost for one month to maintain the elf property? Does anyone want to pool money to give more time to find renters? I would do what I can to support the mortgage to give elf a chance to heal.
Worst case scenario for putting in money to float elf is that we get the money back in the sell off?


Dean Cameron Mon 11 Feb 2019 4:42AM

it cost 600/week to keep all the expenses paid and there are a few coming up Rod. insurance ute rego and rates. as it is im going to have to take my credit card deeper to pay those. i could let the ute rego lapse and save 750 odd but not paying the rates isn't an option. the reason this is raised in the context of what the shared vision is is that I have come to doubt that there is in fact a shared vision. lets wait and see what others say but start by you sharing what your vision is for ELF! Without the vision ELF is just a property that has some realestate value! The ELF "community" has almost completely evaporated so not sure what you think is left to 'heal"


Rodney Whitman Mon 11 Feb 2019 4:56AM

Do not give up on the community of elf yet. When some step down it gives the chance for others to step up if they want the project to survive. Some of us have stepped down but may reconnect after a period of reflection if thier hearts find themselves still attached. It is not easy to throw away a life goal. But what healing I was actually talking about way the financial stability. Even with few active members elf can survive with active renters. If I can give one or two months of time to elf via paying the expenses that you can not, it may give time for people to be found.

What is my vision? Eden. Food everywhere, free, and self sustaining. A advanced ecosystem. The bonus is cave dwellings (and others unique habitats) speckled all over the property. And the final bonus is one body of people as the heartbeat of the lifestyle. I'm not worried about the end game now though, I need to see people show passion for something enough to help it manifest and maintain.


Dean Cameron Mon 11 Feb 2019 5:09AM

Nice vision. yes lets see