Mon 20 May 2019 1:56AM

Shall we renew Wrike?

LF Luke Flegg Public Seen by 144

It's bloody expensive but pretty useful. Dignity has no money right now. What are the alternatives? What shall we do?
We problem only have a few days before our account is reverted back to free.

It's about £900 for a year


Luke Flegg Mon 20 May 2019 2:30AM

So I feel really torn, because Dignity obviously has no money so it means is paying for it, and I feel like I'm the one who sees most value in it, so imagine I would be fronting the cost of it (again) and putting it down as a (low priority) expense to be reimbursed by Dignity when it one day has some surplus funds. I do just about have enough in my personal account to cover it if I max out my overdraft. That doesn't feel great, but it's a familiar place and I have some income at the moment and over the coming months. The reason I'm tempted to do it is because we've been building up to this chapter of Dignity for so long - working with a software dev (very effectively I think on Wrike; I imagine George would agree) and are now finally extremely close to launch our first bespoke platform for gigfunding. This feels like a time to optimise how we work as a team; sharing information effectively, communicating effectively, tracking what needs to be done, tracking our hours in a fast and organised way that makes boring accounting stuff simpler, helps us know what each other are doing and chip in when useful and generally just collaborate well - hopefully with 5 of us in Wrike, which is what we're paying for but only 3 of us have been using it. We will need a couple more Extended team members (1 or 2 days per week) as well as our collaborators (1 or 2 days per month) and I don't like imagining the disruption to how we work.
We're also building an app and I love using shit hot, amazingly created tech to help me build tech with my team. I want to surround myself with good practice as well as having the most effective tool for the job to make my work life easier and more fun. I also really like that we can set milestones and share files and tag each other and create timelines and do reports showing how we've spent our time the last week or month - a great way to catch up with what's happened and even share with the world so people can learn from us and even help us.
But I'm really open to consider alternatives.
I basically just have a lot in my brain and on my plate and Wrike really helps me organise stuff and create order from the chaos.


Pasco Mon 20 May 2019 9:34AM

I feel strongly that jeopardising your personal financial freedom is not worth the piece of tech. We can use it when we win funding. We agreed our limiting factor is our own time on this project, which is directly proportional to our own financial abundance. Our progress on this project does not rely on wrike.


Luke Flegg Mon 20 May 2019 11:11AM

Fronting the cost of Wrike equates to 3 or 4 days of video work for me, so that's how the cost would translate into my time/ capacity.
We only have Fridays for Dignifying, this isn't at risk if I front the cost of Wrike!
In fact I'm still keen to do 2 days of Dignity per week if that feels like something you're able to/ want to do (especially given we often do a bit of solo work outside Fridays, especially you. So I feel like you're unnecessarily concerned about me making myself poor with one expense. It wouldn't mean I have to work less on Dignity!)

Wrike have changed their pricing model in a way I think could be cheaper for us so I'm talking to them today.

When you feel strongly against something I would like to do, I would really value hearing any alternative ideas you might have, so it doesn't just feel like a "don't do that". Do you relate to the needs I've identified above? I'm not clear what you'd propose we use if we don't renew Wrike.


Luke Flegg Mon 20 May 2019 11:22AM

I didn't start this thread so much for you to give me advice on my own personal expenditure (as I've said when we've chatted about it, I see my financial situation much less to do with my [very small] expenditure, and much more to do with my income, eg. getting in more freelance work - that is where I believe my energy needs to go if I want to have more financial abundance. I'm already very good at being frugal and don't splash out on lots of expensive things. Wrike is pretty much the only expensive thing I've paid for in years other than kit for work! [which is what I see Wrike as])

The reason I started this thread was instead to invite your perspective on what our tools & tech needs/desires are in this launch stage, and what you would propose to replace Wrike with, if you think it's not super useful for Dignity. x


Poll Created Fri 28 Jun 2019 8:59PM

It's a big expense, but worth it - let's do it Closed Mon 1 Jul 2019 8:02PM

We will continue our subscription, and seek to make the most of it - getting 5 of us really involved in Dignity platform and actually using it!


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 50.0% 1 LF
Abstain 50.0% 1 P
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 11 CBS P AE AS GB TB AWG E PL AB A

2 of 13 people have participated (15%)


Sun 30 Jun 2019 11:54AM

I'm not fronting the cost so don't feel qualified to be making this decision. I feel the tool is useful, but so it's our own personal finacial abundance. This decision is therefore left in the hands of Luke.


Luke Flegg
Sun 30 Jun 2019 5:45PM

We're building a beautiful tool. I want the inspiration of using well designed tools to do that. I personally struggle with how busy and fragmented my life is with all the projects and tasks, yet I still want to work collaboratively and transparently. Wrike really helps me do that and to drop the ball less and feel like I can let go when I stop Dignifying and everything's organised, and easy for me to pick up again with clear priorities. I think when we have a real team of 5 it'll be awesome.