Fri 1 Nov 2019 3:49PM

Discussion and Development of an Elected Social.coop Governing Board

MC Matthew Cropp Public Seen by 62

During the recent strategy call (Notes), one significant reform that was discussed was the creation of an elected board-like body with responsibility for, among other possible things, meeting on a regular basis to help set our organization's strategy, develop and review budgets, and set goals and help coordinate the operations teams.

This has come up discussions among the Community Working Group Operations Team, which has felt like we've been functionally taking on some of those roles by necessity, but only formally have a mandate to be responsible for a portion of the organization.

So, let's use this thread to discuss whether the creation of an elected body whose purview is the entirety of social.coop is desirable and what the scope of such a body should be.

I've created a document here with an outline of some initial elements that might ultimately be massaged into a proposed bylaws amendment to create this body. Please feel free to add ideas and comments to it, and, once we've had some input, we can aim to convene a conversation to workshop an actionable proposal.


Wed 29 Jan 2020 8:37AM

It's unclear to me what problems this is solving


Poll Created Wed 29 Jan 2020 4:04AM

Proposal for the formation of a social.coop "Coordination Working Group" Closed Tue 4 Feb 2020 3:01AM

Taking into account the feedback and discussion of the past few months, the members of the Community Working Group Operations team have developed and ratified the following proposal for the formation of a "Coordination Working Group" for social.coop. The vote on the creation of this working group will be open for six days. Proposal:

Proposal for the creation of an elected Coordination Working Group

(Endorsed by a vote of the members of the Community Working Group Operations Team: Matt Noyes, Emi Do, Mica Fisher, and Matt Cropp)

  • Purpose: In the last few months, one significant reform that’s been discussed is the creation of an elected body with responsibility for coordinating the work of other working groups and carrying out basic administrative duties necessary to the functioning of Social.Coop. This group is tasked with stepping back and seeing Social.Coop as a whole, as well as helping develop our organization's strategy, drafting and proposing budgets, and setting goals for, and helping coordinate, the operations teams.

  • Scope of Responsibilities

    • Help build a culture of inclusivity and open participation by encouraging and supporting member participation in working groups

    • Assist in the creation and assure the ongoing functioning of working groups

      • Approve the addition and possible compensation of new operations team members, subject to membership vote

    • Maintain communication among working groups and with Social.Coop members

      • All working group minutes posted or linked on Loomio, accessible to all members

    • Develop and propose budgets, subject to membership ratification.

    • Nominate and coordinate with the elected Treasurer(s) to approve Open Collective reimbursements

    • Approve contractual relationships between Social.Coop and outside organizations, subject to membership vote

  • Logistics

    • 7 Seats

    • Loomio sub-group for coordination

    • Meet monthly or bi-monthly via video call

    • Agendas, meeting notes, and recorded video calls posted or linked on Loomio, available to all Social.Coop members

    • All Coordination Working Group meetings be open to members to sit in on, with voice but no vote.

    • Compensation:

      • Solidarity payment of $5 per video meeting for Coordination Working Group members.

  • Election

    • 2 year terms with ~½ coming up for election each time. Balance between maintaining institutional knowledge and rotation.

    • Anonymous approval vote, weighted for gender diversity

    • If a member resigns, election of new member by the membership ASAP.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 92.9% 13 NS KT MC MN LS TD M ED DM D AU J COT
Abstain 7.1% 1 W
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  

14 of 99 people have participated (14%)


Matt Noyes Sun 3 Nov 2019 9:16PM

PS -- this chart from @georgecheney poses useful problems for us:


Matt Noyes Sun 10 Nov 2019 4:20PM

I drafted a new version, at the top of the same doc you posted above.


Matthew Cropp Fri 8 Nov 2019 5:00AM

On reflection, I think @mattnoyes' idea of a coordinating committee that would need to have decisions ratified by the membership seems like it's worth trying, and it sounds like it would be doable within the boundaries of the concerns raised by @darren4 and @davevnd9jr. That would be something that we could set (token) comp for elected members' attendence, and we would not need to do a bylaws change. Matt, you able to massage your idea into a draft proposal for feedback?


Matt Noyes Sun 3 Nov 2019 9:15PM

@darren4 Thanks for recovering those threads! (I see that I repeat myself. :astonished: ) I wonder if I should propose three things:
1) the creation of an elected Admin. Working Group that is tasked to coordinate the work of other working groups and do other admin duties (like finding an alternative for tech work, then putting it up for a membership vote).
2) that the minutes of working groups be posted (or linked) on Loomio so members can easily see what we are doing. Storage could be an issue, but, if possible, it would be great to record and share Zoom (or Jitsi) calls in the same way.
3) all working group meetings be open to members to sit in on, if they like, voice/no vote.
If we later decide to form an official cooperative, we will have to adjust our structures accordingly, but for now maybe this would be enough structure.


Dave V. ND9JR Sun 3 Nov 2019 5:13PM

I pretty much agree with Darren, though I want to add that before the summer of 2018 we were a pretty open co-op with member participation. After that summer we went the other way and now a lot of the operation of this co-op is very opaque, to the point where I'm questioning whether I want to stay in this co-op (and continue to support it financially) for that very reason.

I think any BoD must ultimately be accountable to the members themselves, otherwise you get a situation with another org I'm involved in where the members can petition the BoD but the BoD can pretty much do whatever they want. And not just through BoD elections; that's how how my credit union (Veridian Credit Union in Waterloo, Iowa for the curious) operates and it hardly feels like a co-op at all. We the members will still need to vote on motions the BoD wants to implement if you want me to accept this.

I'm skeptical of any small team inside an organization like this as too often the members represent either only their own interests or the interests of a few people, and that corrupts the democracy aspect of an organization. But I also see how such teams can be beneficial. As long as they truly are accountable to all members of the co-op and we still get to vote on policies they want to implement, I can accept this.


Darren Sun 3 Nov 2019 1:05PM

Hey Matt,

I'd like to start by saying I'm genuinely appreciative of the energy you put into organising social coop. I know from long experience that it can be hard to find the time and energy to dedicate to moving projects forward, especially when its voluntary work.

It does however feel a bit like we've been here before (a number of times) e.g. https://www.loomio.org/d/Ve0NtQsT/board-steering-committee-high-council-for-social-coop-



As I, and others, suggested during the call I think we are suffering from low levels of member participation in the organisation and running of social coop, and that we are heavily dependant on a few folks in key positions - which gives us a little resilience if they were to become unavailable.

I think that moving things into closed groups, with largely opaque operations (as I feel the community working group ops team (CWGOT) has become, and I fear an elected board would follow) acts as a barrier to greater member participation. Its difficult for folks to understand what's happening and why. It creates a pretty large barrier to participation as its necessary to commit to being part of the group, before you can see clearly what work the group actually does, and what you are committing to do.

I appreciate that some of the CWGOT work around moderation, or members concerns, is best handled privately. But I also dont see why CWGOT cant make basic minutes of its meetings available (I'm thankful that the minutes of the April meeting were made available after my request - but was sad to see that this didn't become a regular occurrence). I understand that this is a bit of extra work, but feel it would be a nice way of keeping the membership abreast of ideas and activities.

Finally I would like to suggest that we try to increase use of other modes of social coop organising. As I mentioned in the call video/audio calls dont always work so well for everyone.. eg. I often have poor internet (I lost audio a few times and missed parts of the call) and I'm aware I'm not the best speaker, or always easy to understand, when I'm sitting next to someone, let alone over an internet call. Also there can be timing issues, when trying to bring together international groups.

Trying to do more in the open on Mastodon and Loomio feels like it could draw in more membership participation. I'm happy to report Loomio has been under heavy development and theres a new beta web front end that runs much more smoothly. You can switch from the old to new interface (and back again if you wish) by going to



Nathan Schneider Sun 3 Nov 2019 2:54AM

Tried and true. Certainly one of the lessons I think we've been learning over the years is that the apparently boring governance structures that nearly all established co-ops use are not so unnecessary after all.


Matt Noyes Fri 1 Nov 2019 4:15PM

Thanks Matt C! I commented and added one line.