Fri 7 Apr 2017 6:16PM

Other Multi Winner Elections Options, PR and otherwise.

SW Sara Wolf Public Seen by 24

So far almost all talk of multi winner options has focused on reweighed versions like STV and RRV.

These don't meet equality criteria any way you slice it and are complex enough that the result accuracy is nebulous and hard to judge. They both seem quite accurate and like they may well elect a fair proportional representation of the population but more than that is a lengthy conversation on some other threads.

Let's talk about multi winner by district, and other non-reweighted systems here!


Sara Wolf Mon 24 Apr 2017 7:31PM

For me Scoring vs Ranking isn't the key concern or choice. I'd like it to be consistent so voters can get used to their ballot. I prefer scoring not for its own sake but because SRV offers a voting system that lets us vote our conscience, that has accurate results, and that gives everyone an equal vote!

If a ranking system can offer honest voting, accurate results and equal voting power then I'd support it, especially if its fairly expressive and simple.

The main problem I see in the ranking systems like IRV and STV that are being proposed is that the results only look at the ballots of some voters at any given time. The final results are using a threshold that only looks at the finalists so it's not necessarily still accurate if we were to look at all the ballots and voters all at once. This can give a confusing and false sense of accuracy that may or may not hold up in STV. I haven't seen a response yet that adequately addresses this concern.

I think for ranking to hold up to this higher standard for accuracy and accountability it should probably be based on Ranked Pairs or Borda Count, not IRV.