Mon 5 Jun 2017 12:47AM

Food Growing

JK Jorån Kikke Public Seen by 373

I'm very excited to setup an experimental aquaponics setup, using fish waste water as nutrients for plants growing without dirt

I'd like this project to be a permanent part of Hackland that everyone can use/help build or maintain


kitkate Wed 7 Jun 2017 9:32PM

If the soldering and welding is in the same room I don't think that's healthy, but if there is a cafe it needs to be a food safe zone anyway. I am strongly in favor of connecting to a tilapia tank so we can demonstrate a sustainable food ecosystem that is way better for the environment than factory farming fish or animals.


jolyon Fri 23 Jun 2017 12:26AM

I'm keen for plants in general. It's good for air quality too.


Mr CK Fri 23 Jun 2017 10:59PM

I reckon it would be cool, although indoor fish tanks do have evaporation as a by product... [more so with tropical fish I suspect] but maybe that could be somehow recycled into contained indoor garden rain in a clever way.

Could we have indoor clouds?? that would be cool.