Sun 27 Sep 2015 8:50PM

Registring hours in the VAS

FB Fabio Balli Public Seen by 217

Using the VAS requires rigor. Thus, I created a simplified process (http://nrp.sensorica.co/accounting/process/845/) so that we don't have any excuse about the complicated interface. :)

In order to gather hours with regularity and congruence, I propose that all hours that are not registered in the VAS ten days after the day the work was done are lost, ie these hours will not be considered for financial repartition or other purposes. Exceptions : hours done before August 11th (date BG joined Sensorica) are not put in the VAS.

This rule would enter into force on October 15th 2015.


Fabio Balli Sat 3 Oct 2015 3:36PM

The idea with the simplified process is to make it easy for everyone to register their hours in the VAS. But you can also use more precise processes (https://sites.google.com/site/sensoricahome/home/what-we-do/projects/breathing-games/breathing-games-vas).

@johndanger About August 11th, it is to say that the rule does not apply for the hours done before we joined Sensorica. I will create a new thread to discuss that.