
A discussion about Crypto Currencies

RK Rangi Kemara Public Seen by 194

With the Governments treasury and the reserve bank pulling the strings in the halls of power, one of the most disruptive currencies stands to even out the playing field between the halls of power and the people.

There are a few crypto-currencies in the form of Altcoins - Litecoin, Dogecoin, even Megacoin, at this stage the flag ship for this is Bitcoin.

Innovations around the Bitcoin protocol have lead to it being a bidirectional currency, and its uptake in Aotearoa NZ is on the rise.

This is a discussion space about crypto currency, what say we all?


Kenneth Kopelson
Sun 8 Jun 2014 11:35AM

We are a political party, so we need to think about things from a governmental perspective. Bitcoin type crypto-currencies are designed to thwart government, and therefore I believe they are NOT what we need to promote.


fuck you assholes
Sun 8 Jun 2014 11:46AM

I like crypto-currencies, but I think we need to wait this one out.


Guntram Shatterhand
Sun 8 Jun 2014 9:28PM

The whole point of cryptocurrencies is that they're not linked to any government entity. The idea of an official governmental cryptocurrency misses the point entirely.


Mon 9 Jun 2014 7:12AM

There are far better currency options available for New Zealand than existing crypto-currencies, most notably the New Zealand energy credit which will provide us all with a universal basic income, more renewable energy, and the option to mine 'crypto


David Wong
Thu 12 Jun 2014 5:42PM

No we should have our own kiwi coin.


Wade Vuglar
Fri 13 Jun 2014 1:29AM

I believe there are better options. The main one is getting control of the money supply away from the International Banks and into our hands.


Aaryn Niuapu
Fri 13 Jun 2014 1:59AM

I think BC and other cryptos are great. I'll agree but still think there needs to be an economic system that balances out the BC mining field for kiwis that are lower down the socio-economic ladder but who also want to accumulate BC :-)


Grant Keinzley
Fri 13 Jun 2014 2:11AM

I would like to see NZ be the first country in the world to do this.

If it were integrated with FlyBuys, fuel cards, and department cards such as 'The Warehouse Card' it could be a fantastic success.


Ian Miller
Fri 13 Jun 2014 10:08PM

It's way too flakey


Dennis Dorney
Sat 14 Jun 2014 8:59AM

I would be happy to form an opinion if I knew what it all meant. I suspect that 80% of Kiwis dont understand it either. That should suggest caution. Can someone explain Bitcoin and its checks and security simply please?

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