Wed 1 Nov 2017 2:43PM

External Communication of PPBe

RVE Renaud Van Eeckhout Public Seen by 57

I don't think we already have a topic or a workgroup about this.

[FR] [NL below]

Je pense que définir une communication externe est une tâche assez compliquée, et beaucoup d'entre nous ont déjà les mains pleines, mais je pense que ça vaut la peine de quand même essayer de trouver quelques éléments solides sur lesquels baser notre communication.

Les canaux de communication :
Nous avons de nombreux canaux de communication (voir ici : https://wiki.pirateparty.be/ITNow) et je me demande aussi s'il ne faut pas supprimer notre compte Twitter. Il semble très inactif, avec très peu de réactions malgré 3.000 followers. On a déjà l'alternative Mastodon qui est bien installée et qui tourne (merci à l'IT !).

Le message pirate :
J'ai vu dernièrement quelques images publiées par les pirates qui semblaient en contradiction avec nos valeurs. Je propose qu'on essaie de définir quelques critères pour encadrer notre communication.

Il s'agit bien de la communication vers le monde extérieur, pas de la communication entre pirates. Ne confondons donc pas.

[NL MT][FR above]

Ik denk dat het definiëren van een externe communicatie een nogal gecompliceerde taak is en velen van ons hebben al onze handen vol, maar ik denk dat het de moeite waard is om te proberen een solide basis te vinden voor onze communicatie.

We hebben veel communicatiekanalen (zie hier: https://wiki.pirateparty.be/ITNow) en ik vraag me ook af of we ons Twitteraccount niet moeten verwijderen. Het schijnt zeer inactief te zijn, met zeer weinig reacties ondanks 3.000 volgelingen. We hebben al het Mastodon alternatief dat goed is geïnstalleerd en draait (dankzij IT!).

Het piratenbericht:
Ik heb kortgeleden enkele beelden van piraten gezien die in tegenspraak lijken te zijn met onze waarden. Ik stel voor dat we proberen een aantal criteria te definiëren om onze mededeling vorm te geven.

Dit is communicatie naar de buitenwereld, geen communicatie tussen hackers. Laten we het dus niet door elkaar halen.


Ilja Sat 4 Apr 2020 3:31PM

FYI, We are currently going over the projects that are still considered "Active" on the wiki. The idea is to close projects that aren't actually active any more so we get a better overview of projects that are actually open and work on them[1].

One of teh projects that was still open is https://wiki.pirateparty.be/MissionStatement and this loomio thread was stated as a contact, so here we are :)

Since it didn't seem it's still active, it has now been closed. Is this OK? If not, feel free to reactivate or let me know so we can put it back to Active.

If the project is still active it may be interesting to add more info to the page so that it is more clear what the project exactly does and in what stage it is.

[1] https://www.loomio.org/d/S8o21axX

Kind regards,


Renaud Van Eeckhout Fri 20 Mar 2020 2:09PM

Could one admin of the Facebook page please share this? https://www.facebook.com/valentin.dirken/posts/10218934781134417 It's a call for creating respirators (under a GPL License) that our hospitals will need very quickly.

If you're not an admin but have a FB account, can you ask this to the admins directly on FB? I don't know if they come here.


Lander Meeusen Thu 5 Dec 2019 3:11PM

As an active contributor on the Antwerp Pirates Page on Facebook, I'd like to add my two cents.

I agree with Michel that FB is an indispensible marketing tool to get our message out to a wider audience. (I disagree with his ironic way of arguing, however.) I would argue that we gravely underuse it.

On the other hand, I also share Reinaud's worries about the management of our public page. In the Antwerp group we apply the 3-pirate-rule. We have a chat and a closed page where people can propose a post. If 2 pirates endorse it with a +1 and if there's no other opposition, it can be posted on the public page. This seems to be working pretty well, so far, in my opinion.

The rules for posting something on the PPBE-page could be different or similar. For instance it has to be discussed here on Loomio or another accessible place. (For me, for instance, the Labs are tricky to attend and the chat on what's-the-website is very dull, so I don't consider that an accessible place.) It needs 3 pirates, it needs a vote, ... That's something worth talking about.


Deleted account Wed 4 Dec 2019 10:05PM

Go ahead Renaud, close the Facebook page, the encephalogram of the party is almost flat anyway, give the final blow.

This way, there is no chance of having a mainstream communication channel or beating the fire with fire. Keep Belgian pirates further away from other European pirate parties.


Renaud Van Eeckhout Mon 2 Dec 2019 3:47PM

Hello @Christophe Cop (I'm tagging you because apparently you're one of the admins of the PPBe Facebook page).

I brought an issue saturday at the lab to discuss about. It's the Facebook page of PPBe. As I can see, it's almost completely inactive since months. Also, I feel (but I might be wrong?) that there is a huge gap between people who administer that page and people who are active at the Labs and/or on Loomio.

This might be problematic as we might, for example, decide here or at the Lab to launch an active campaign against GAFAM, and at the same time, maybe the Facebook page admins will launch a campaign to invite people to join/like/comment the page, which would be the same as shooting ourselves in the foot. Or we would invest a lot of energy in a series of articles to publish on our website and they would not be relayed on Facebook.

Also, I don't recall people joining us or becoming active Pirates thanks to Facebook in recent time.

So I'm curious to know what your views are on what we should do, what the other admins think/want to do. Do you have any plans on your side about this specific Facebook page? What is the use of keeping that page? I'm trying to bridge a gap here.


Renaud Van Eeckhout Sun 3 Mar 2019 1:58PM

Merci :)


Deleted account Sat 2 Mar 2019 11:18PM



Deleted account Sat 2 Mar 2019 8:13PM

OK, I will do it.


Renaud Van Eeckhout Sat 2 Mar 2019 11:52AM

Could someone who has access to the PPBe Facebook page please share this article : https://fr.pirateparty.be/vie-privee-carton-rouge-pour-les-services-publics/ ?

It's getting more & more complicated to have a connection between the people working internally and this page, it's about time we start phasing out :sweat_smile:


Renaud Van Eeckhout Fri 1 Mar 2019 2:51PM

For the French-speaking side only :

Je suis en train de mettre à jour le listing des contacts médias. C'est utile au moment d'envoyer des communiqués (parce que refaire le listing à chaque fois est fastidieux).

Pour le moment, j'ai donc un document .ods (un tableur), avec plusieurs pages :
- une page Belgique francophone généraliste (par ex. Le Soir, la RTBF)
- une page pour chaque province francophone + Bruxelles (par ex. La Gazette de Liège, TVCom...)
- un début de pages pour plusieurs thématiques (par ex. NURPA dans la page Numérique)

Je vous invite à contribuer en rajoutant sur ce pad tous les médias dont vous avez connaissance et qu'il serait intéressant selon vous de rajouter à la liste : https://pad.pirateparty.be/p/listing-presse-fr

Rappel donc : ici je demande juste pour la partie "Belgique francophone", pas les médias locaux, ni les médias spécialisés. Ca viendra après :)

Merci de vos contributions !

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