Tue 1 Dec 2015 4:19PM

How to use this platform?

DW Denny Wong Public Seen by 265

The intention is to create multiple tracks or threads that allow us to exchange and co-create on the different themes that are needed to set up AkaSchool.

On 15-16 Dec, 2-day in-person foundation workshop for stakeholders to co-create and to seed the project will take place in Belgium. During this session we will cover.

 The design of the school
 Designing methods for learning
 Designing a sustainable financial structure
 Designing and organizing a crowdfunding campaign

This Loomio platform is for participants who cannot join us in person but would like to participate online and remotely.

The track or themes includes (not limited to) :

Track 1 : Financial and business model. Objective: create a project that is sustainable. (ie. run for 3 years or more).

  • what are the different and realistic revenue sources to consider? (ie. student fees, etc)- what is needed to put it in place? what are the assumptions for each revenue source?- what is the ideal financial scenario?- what is the minimum financial scenario?- what are the expected operational expenses?- what are the in-direct charges (ie. marketing, PR, etc )?- what should we ask for help? to whom?- ...

Track 2 : Develop a learning program. Objective: create the curriculum and desired outcome of the program.

  • what are the desired outcome? - what are the skills we want to cultivate?- how to create a program that allow student to practice the desired skills?- how to connect student to their peers?- how to connect student to their community?- how to create self awareness and cultivate mindfulness?- how to learn and practice critical thinking?- how to learn and practice problem solving?- how to learn and practice creativity?- how to learn and practice collaboration?- how to learn and practice communication?- how to learn business design?- how to learn process design?- how to learn leadership design?- how to learn project design?- how to find real life assignment for student's hands-on mission?- what is the number of projects, lectures, missions, etc?- what is the ideal duration (time) to do all this?- which city and projects needed for student?- which partner to collaborate? - what is needed to put in place to achieve this?- what other skills (tools) are needed? (ie. art of hosting, harvesting, appreciative enquiry, etc..)- how to learn about group dynamics, self, society?- how to connect to self?- how does a day look like? and a week?- what should be the ideal duration?- how does the curriculum look like? - learn about theory U. and u.lab practice - co-sensing, learning journey, etc- - ...

Track 3 : Craft the student experience and journey during the program. Objective: create a learning journey with catalyst that leads to different learning moments (a guided path).

  • what is the first contact? how does it feel? from the start to the graduation?- how and what is an ideal learning sequence (path) look like? - how does the selection process look like? selection criteria? or readiness? duration?- what are the learning moments that do we want to instigate? - how to instigate a self awareness moment? (ie. break everything down to bare basic to rebuilt?)- how to "extend one's mind"?- how to open one's mind? how to help them look back on themselves? - how to help them feel their 'edge'? - how to to help them go beyond their perceived 'limit'?- how does the journey look like? - what is the path to be taken as an individual? what is the path taken as group?- how to make use of group dynamics to accelerate learning?- how to create urgency for accelerate learning?- how to guide the student? to ensure no one is left behind?- how to build their grit? learn to persist thru adversity? - how to come out stronger that before? - built up their self confidence?- how to navigate and accept VUCA - volatile, uncertainty, complex, ambiguity?- how to be an authentic leader?- how to enable them to create the future they want to have?- how to overcome their fear?- ...

Track 4 : Action and communication plan for a successful crowd funding campaign. Objective : Communicate why we do this, what we want to achieve and how we do it ; and how we can reach our audiences.

  • what do we need for the campaign?- how does the structure of the campaign look like?- what are the amount of each giving and their corresponding reward?- should we add a scholarship package? - what are the amount we need for 3 years of operations?- how can we give back?- what actions before the campaign, during and after?- when will we start?- how will we select the platform? how to reach our audience?, ...

Or any other relevant tracks proposed by participants.

Additional note:
The in-person meetup: http://www.meetup.com/AkaSchool-Meetup/events/226989654/

Why I am doing this: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/path-toward-21st-century-skills-akaschool-denny-wong


Denny Wong Sun 13 Dec 2015 7:41PM

I have decided to postpone the 2 days workshop until further notice because I think and feel that I am not ready yet. I will continue to animate our conversations on this platform and to cultivate the intention of each participants.