
Advice for Town Council: Policy Documents

TF Tristan (the FFP) Public Seen by 79

For my sins, I have become a co-opted member of the town council, in Shepton Mallet. I did this mainly to try and push through a Declaration of Climate Emergency, and write a Green Charter (attached) for the town. I'm now involved with the Neighbourhood Plan, too. I have absolutely no experience in this capacity, but want to capitalise on this opportunity by trying to pass policy which would benefit people and place the most. We have planted a food forest, and dug out a wild pond, as well as plant some edible beds in the High Steet, but does any body have any advice when it comes to policy; I've contact the Somerset Wildlife Trust to help with the identification and protection of wildlife corridors in the area, and will put this info in the NP, is there anything else that I could perhaps be doing? The Green Charter - 7.1, food - any advice? Any help would be much appreciated.


Danny Mon 19 Aug 2019 2:40PM

Hi Tristan,

I recommend reading Friends of the Earth’s briefing about 33 actions local authorities can take on climate change:

And this resource has a table to show you which local authorities can take which actions:

Let mw know if you find it helpful.




Tristan (the FFP) Mon 19 Aug 2019 4:40PM

Hi Danny,

Thanks so much for the information.

It is helpful, but geared up more for Local Authority Councils, than Town Councils. HOWEVER, I can adapt Climate Action Plan to suit, I think, and use it as a tool to help me implement the the Green Charter, and the policies within.

Best wishes,


www.thefoodforestproject.org ( http://www.thefoodforestproject.org )


Elizabeth Westaway Mon 19 Aug 2019 4:07PM

Hi Tristan,

Have a look at 'A People's Food Policy: transforming our food system'
www.peoplesfoodpolicy.org ( http://www.peoplesfoodpolicy.org )

Best wishes,


Virus-free. www.avg.com ( http://www.avg.com/email-signature?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail )


Tristan (the FFP) Mon 19 Aug 2019 4:42PM

Hi Elizabeth,

I will take a look, it looks great and really informative.

Best wishes,


www.thefoodforestproject.org ( http://www.thefoodforestproject.org )


Jane Lesley Morris Wed 21 Aug 2019 9:35PM

Thanks Tristam. The Green Charter and its active encouragement of new planting for food growing and habitats that support biodiversity is interesting. Will the Town Council recognise that it is important for the sustainability of the town to complement the local farmland, allotments, domestic and community gardens & Cemetery with FGs in all sorts of spaces? Could they and associated businesses/enterprises promote waterside tree and FG planting in the town and the watershed(s) around it? Will someone come along to our event? NB the programme is pretty much finalised now as attached


Tristan (the FFP) Thu 22 Aug 2019 6:59AM

Hi Jane,

I think they will recognise that, yes. I’m making sure it’s in the Neighbourhood Plan, as well, working alongside the Somerset Wildlife Trust to maximise positive impact. I work for the Food Forest Project, and we’re doing a lot in the town including working with schools, the allotment groups, and local landowners to try and promote permaculture/FG’s etc and have had a very positive response. We’re about to start work in tyre food forests - local quarry donating old tyres that would otherwise go to landfill, and using them to plant the layers of a food forest in, in local parks.

I’ve spoken to Paul and Richard, unfortunately we can’t get to the AGM as it clashes with a “Showcase Shepton” event put on by the town council. I look forward to reading about it, though, and attending the next event.

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

Best wishes,


www.thefoodforestproject.org ( http://www.thefoodforestproject.org )


Deleted account Wed 4 Sep 2019 10:15AM

Tristan you’ll be missed at the AGM. Could we have your and the Food Forest Project there in spirit perhaps with some pictures of the work you’re doing? Could well inspire others :slight_smile:


Tristan (the FFP) Wed 4 Sep 2019 10:25AM

Absolutely Paul, I’m sorry we aren’t able to make it. I have been sharing it around to concerned parties. Do you want me to send over a power point with images in, or a presentation even, or a drop box link? What’s best?

We’ve been contacted by a GP in Surrey who’s subscribing nutrition as one of her main cures. They are about to build a kitchen whereby they can work with patients, both physically and mentally ill, on food preparation. They want a food forest next to the kitchen. They have drawn inspiration from the link below.


It does feel like things are really moving in the right direction, for people and planet. 🤞🏼

Best wishes,


www.thefoodforestproject.org ( http://www.thefoodforestproject.org )


Deleted account Wed 4 Sep 2019 10:37AM

What wonderful news Tristan! Things really are moving. May I share your news through our twitter? As for the slides, I think pictures with captions that speak of your breakthroughs and how communities and councils have responded would be so helpful. Many 🙏


Tristan (the FFP) Wed 4 Sep 2019 10:40AM

Of course, yes - treats the FFP as yours, and share/engage with whatever you think is of value. I’ll put something together this week and send it over.


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