Sun 25 Feb 2018 1:45PM

Pirate Kittens [IT] ; find and host libre tools that pirates need

I Ilja Public Seen by 45

There are several crews and squads in the pirate party using software tools to fit their needs. Taking initiative is always a good thing and we should encourage this! We should also understand that these people often want to go forward with their project, without having to think to much about the tools they use beyond their practical value. This often leads to the use of non-libre tools and/or tools hosted by companies who's values are at odds with values we have as pirates.

I believe the IT-squad should see it as their responsibility to identify the needs of those crews and squads and find and propose libre alternatives to these tools. This way people can focus on their own projects without having to bother with findig tools that are both practical AND libre.

Let's start a project with the IT-squad to identify what functionality several crews and squads need, list them, find alternatives, get feedback, refine..., and eventually implement/host/link to... these tools so that they are easy to find and use for everyone inside the pirate party.

Inspired by the chatons.org project where people host libre software for others to use, I propose to call this project 'Pirate Kittens'

wiki: https://wiki.pirateparty.be/Pirate_Kittens
pad: https://pad.pirateparty.be/p/pirate_kittens
mail: [email protected]


HgO Wed 7 Mar 2018 1:19PM

I changed "preform" by "perform" (assuming typo)

For me, the text is fine.

I'm ok to contact them through FB if they don't have a mail address.

For the translation, I won't have time to do that (I'm quite busy these days)... Ok for the line saying they can answer in their favorite language, including esperanto.

I'm not sure what you mean with "I think we should just put the name of the group, as many people are in several groups."

I think we should add the name of the group we contact. Like "Ahoy ITSquad, ...". But I'm ok if we don't do that (it's more work after all)


Ilja Tue 13 Mar 2018 7:09PM

Ah :confused: are those different words? Hmm :thinking: yes, ok, typo :ok_hand:

I like the personal touch of adding the crew/squad name. :slight_smile:
Somewhere at the bottom we also use Please feel free to forward these questions to all members of your group. We should add the groupname there as well then.


Renaud Van Eeckhout Wed 7 Mar 2018 1:45PM

Translation in French is done ;)


Ilja Tue 13 Mar 2018 7:05PM

I did the Dutch translation as well. If someone who understands Dutch could review it, I'd be much obliged. (I especially suck in -dt stuff and there are probably things that would be better with some rephrasing.)

I was thinking that it may be a good idea to wait untill' the lab (31/03) before we send out the mails. This gives us some time to share ideas Face2Face and maybe already get input from other people as well (including certain people who's opinion I'd specificly like to hear). +the mail may be less unexpected that way, which, I think, is a good thing.
OTOH the lab is still 2 to 3 weeks away....


HgO Sat 17 Mar 2018 6:23PM

The mail is ok to me :) Okay for waiting till the next lab as well :)


Ilja Sun 1 Apr 2018 9:31AM

Mails are sent, I've also added our brand new mailaddress for this project in the discription and on the wiki.
I've sent to the mailaddresses we had + the FB groups of Ghent and Leuven

Now we await the fallout!!


Deleted account Wed 19 Sep 2018 8:11PM

Hi pirates! Any chance to get Yunohost? We, at Liège, would be really interested in deeply test riding the beast...


Ilja Thu 20 Sep 2018 4:42AM

YES! We're already planning on using yunohost more for stuff like this :) it already has a bunch of tools + crews can have their own dedicated servers if they want (which is nice for decentralization and empowerment). I'm also figuring out how the packaging works in the hope that we can add more tools later when the need arises (but we're not there yet on that point ' ).

What exactly would you like to have? You can either self-host (e.g. at home using a low power single board computer for example[1]) or get a dedicated server for your crew.
We can also provide you with a dedicated subdomain for it like liege.pirateparty.be or something.
We can help you set up, show around how it works and help out in case of problems

[1] https://neutrinet.be/

cc @hgo @tierce


Deleted account Thu 20 Sep 2018 5:16AM

Some of the tools are interesting to share the work and organize it in a crew. I know it works on a pi butt to be honest, we just need tools to work efficiently on our side as we all have much work appart from the pirates... decentralization and empowerment, OK, but the most important is to share, produce and organize. KISS concept if possible.


Ilja Wed 26 Sep 2018 5:46PM

In that case I'd propose the second option. That would mean that we set up a yunohost server at liege.pirateparty.be (or another subdomain if you'd like). We install and set it up, you can have admin access. That'll keep the technical stuff away and still give you full control. In case of trouble you can then ofc always contact us, and if we notice that that may not be the best solution, we can still look for another solution then.
Does that sounds Ok?

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