
Replace Planning by Predicting

CP Claude Philoche Public Seen by 364

Planning has negative connotations, i believe predicting less.

There is no added value to ostracize those who believe in the supreme value of predicting by using the word planning.

What do you think?


Luc Goossens Wed 15 Mar 2017 3:42PM

Wow, Claude, a hefty one to start off with. My view would be that both predicting and planning, finally are both merely 'guessing'.
Both do have a connotation of being focused on a status you make at a certain point. 'I do believe now that the future will look as this', while what is probably needed in some continuous reality check. Not sure I have the right word for it. Visioning gives a feeling of not being 100% sure (which is good), but still misses some of the idea that it needs to be a continuous exercise.