
NatGat Shirts: Screen Printing as Fundraising/OutReach

T Tricia Public Seen by 56

How about a fundraising campaign -with Phases and a calendar?
We have good fundraising language in one if the emails for direct asks, there's a fiscal sponsor and a donate button for online donations

Maybe schedule two hashtag driven "pledge drives" where we give a T-shirt as a "thank you gift"?


Tricia Mon 30 Jun 2014 7:58AM

I didn't handle the shirts, but think it was considered a hassle because people didn't want to have to pay for them. Steve C ended up giving a lot of them away


Justin Tue 1 Jul 2014 5:24AM

Keep it simple, stick with known practices.

We make a design, create a screen ($25 Bucks), buy ink (30-60 bucks) & offer to do live screen printing on patches & shirts people bring to Nat Gat.

Least risk of loosing money in my OWS experience.


Sally G Tue 1 Jul 2014 4:41PM

@justin2 That works for me; we need to ensure that we have a design and that someone will take responsibility for making it happen. Should we make a formal budget proposal, or wait until we have both of the above? Nicholas (Larsen?) offered to make a logo on another discussion; I do not remember his name here to call out.


Julia Clark Tue 1 Jul 2014 8:12PM


Julia Clark Tue 1 Jul 2014 8:13PM


Julia Clark Tue 1 Jul 2014 8:13PM


Julia Clark Tue 1 Jul 2014 8:13PM


Julia Clark Tue 1 Jul 2014 8:16PM


Julia Clark Tue 1 Jul 2014 8:22PM

Swag for NG3 - stenciled and ready for use.

The background is clear. You can either print them on your printers


Send them to the t-shirt printers

Or make a stencil and spray paint them in responsible legal places. ;-)


Julia Clark Tue 1 Jul 2014 9:41PM

I am going to remove my full recommendation for spread shirt. I noticed an issue, until I look into it further and receive feedback from the site and other persons of interest, I cannot fully recommend them.
I am not pulling them from my shelves as of yet, but it is possible I will.

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