Sat 12 Jul 2014 7:14PM

PPNZ Constitution

AR Andrew Reitemeyer Public Seen by 25

We need a new constitution. The old one is severely deficient in terms of democratic accountability and not fit for purpose. It seems it was copied from a draft constitution for PPAU that was later corrected and amended by that organisation. As we are not an incorporated society the terms of the constitution are only valid as far as the members agree to their validity

The question is should we amend the current one or start afresh.

English language Pirate Party Constitutions that we can use for reference:



Andrew Reitemeyer Tue 2 Sep 2014 7:01PM

The same thing for the statues for working processes. They should not be a part of the constitution - it will be too difficult to change them should they prove not to be workable.


Hubat McJuhes Tue 2 Sep 2014 9:39PM

@andrewreitemeyer I didn't meant to put our policies into the constitution. I think that a set of broad core principles is justified, to express how much we embrace plurality of the membership but at the same time exclude fascists and esoteric lunatics. This is what I meant with core principles.

With aims and goals I was thinking of things like:
We want the constitution to guarantee a bottom-up policy development.
The current constitution defines everything but the board as subordinate to the board. This is contradictory to the goal.
We may need an institutionalised permanent online membership meeting, so that the membership is able to produce policies.

Once we have such a set of requirements, we can measure the value of a regulation in an existing constitution more clearly. Exercise:
The constAU wants the membership to develop policies that then have to be agreed upon by the board to become effective. Not good enough.
We could allow for the board to have a veto right at the max, but exercising it would need to argue that a policy is clearly violating a core principle as defined in the constitution.

Does this clarification make more sense to you?


Andrew Reitemeyer Wed 3 Sep 2014 2:32AM

yes that is more clear.
Policy should not have to be cleared by the board however it must pass certain tests.
For example
1. It must conform to all global human rights treaties and conventions
2. It must conform to the New Zealand bill of rights
3. it must not contradict international Pirate agreements and principles
4. Where applicable it must be evidence based
5. where applicable it must conform to scientific consensus
The board may refer policy proposals that do not conform back to the working group that developed the policy or to the full membership.


Andrew Reitemeyer Wed 3 Sep 2014 2:35AM

Membership is a matter for the members. If a member is disrupting the party,preventing it in achieving its aims or bringing the party in to disrepute the board may suspend the member until the next general assembly (general or special) but only the full membership can dismiss anyone from the party.


Hubat McJuhes Mon 20 Jun 2016 10:22AM

@robertfrittmann Do you want to join into the discussion of the proposed constitution? Do you find something valuable in the draft as it stands? What aspects do you like and which ones you don't?


Hubat McJuhes Mon 20 Jun 2016 10:27AM

Hmm, I am sure there was a draft document somewhere but I cannot find a reference to it in this thread?!? Does anybody know where to find the most mature draft?


Tommy Fergusson Fri 24 Jun 2016 12:35AM

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