Wed 15 Mar 2017 8:16PM

New Deal päivän opit ja parannusmahdollisuudet

KN Kimmo Neihum Public Seen by 393

Käydäänkö lyhyt palautekeskustelu siitä, mikä eilisessä meni hyvin ja mitä voidaan parantaa? Aloitan tähän alle:


Katja Kiuru Wed 22 Mar 2017 2:41PM

..ja vielä parempi, jos ehditään kasvotusten juttaa näistäkin, menee toisella tavalla jakeluun, saa samantien lisää näkökulmia ja jää mieleen..


Tuulia Reponen Wed 22 Mar 2017 4:02PM

Huutelen täältä sivusta, mutta musta hiljainen tieto kannattaa sanallistaa ihan tekstiksi "Tapahtuman järjestäjän ABC:ksi", jotta se pysyy organisaatiossa riippumatta siitä ketkä pysyvät aktiivisina jne.


Tuulia Reponen Mon 27 Mar 2017 8:23AM

Alla tärkeä viesti END-dokumentin kommentoinnista!

Improving the European New Deal together

Dear all,

Were you as inspired as I was by the Rome event? The echo has been great - it's clear that Europe has been waiting for its European New Deal (END). Already a bunch of politicians, movements, civil society organisations want to help us put pressure on Europe's governments to make this European New Deal a reality. However, it is not quite ready yet. This is our trajectory:

September 20th: calls for European New Deal proposals from members, DSCs and experts

January 16th: closed for proposals, END committee starts to prepare first draft

February 9th: summary of first draft ( https://diem25.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/170212_DiEM25_END_Summary_EN.pdf ) is published, first round of comments begins

--> March 25th: full first draft ( https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vzpzyjUEGPTyzT0D1s06lN-5zV_VrlkqLC-3QVMvsxI/edit?usp=sharing ) is published, second round of comments begins <-- we are here

May 3rd: second round of comments ends

ca. May 10th: END committee presents second draft, voting starts

ca. May 20th: our first policy paper is born?

(This will be the baseline; further improvements and additions are expected and some DSCs have already started to work on proposals for a supplement on economic policy for their country)

In order to improve this draft together, the DiD group and several others have suggested Loomio ( https://www.loomio.org/invitations/4a4dc7755991e2e1d90d ). We're ready to give it a try, to see if we should use this for the next policy papers as well. At the same time, we will continue to permit discussion via the forum, for those members who already have an account there and prefer a familiar interface. The document itself is available here ( https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vzpzyjUEGPTyzT0D1s06lN-5zV_VrlkqLC-3QVMvsxI/edit?usp=sharing ) in Google Docs. In order to suggest an addition or a change (significant changes only, no spelling corrections!), please go into the Google Doc ( https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vzpzyjUEGPTyzT0D1s06lN-5zV_VrlkqLC-3QVMvsxI/edit?usp=sharing ), scroll to the right section and use the Comment feature in the most appropriate place. Then, don't write a full comment but simply leave a link to your proposal. Write your actual proposal in the DiEM25 forum ( http://diem25.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=177 ) (we created subforums for this here ( http://diem25.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=177 )), on Loomio ( https://www.loomio.org/invitations/4a4dc7755991e2e1d90d ), or even in your own Google Doc if you want to suggest an addition that is several pages long. Other members will follow the link in the comment and they can discuss your suggestion in the same place.

If you already made a proposal in the first round, thank you! If you don't see your proposal included and it did arrive in time for the first draft, you can probably find an answer by the END committee in Appendix 8. Also going forward, the END committee does not promise to include every proposal - that would make for bad or inconsistent economic policy - but will consider all proposals and will explain their reasons for including / not including them.

Finally, let me say that preparing a set of good economic and social policies for Europe is a giant task, but popularizing them is an even bigger task. How can we explain all these very technical proposals to our families, friends and neighbours? Dutch DiEMers have made a great start: they created this gorgeous infographic ( https://diem25.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/END-infographic.gif ) (also used on our webpage ( https://diem25.org/end/ )), which we showed to everyone watching the Rome event. Wikileaks even tweeted it to 4.5 million people! Other DSCs have started to write stories or prepare quick, one-issue pictures for social media. Some CC and AP members are producing articles, editorials and videos ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7O0OJ_VZJok ) for the media. We need all hands on deck for this! If your DSC can contribute, don't hesitate. And if you alone cannot create something, but you have graphics or video skills that you could lend to another group, contact Luis [email protected], who will add you to the Comms talent pool.

Let's rock this!

Carpe DiEM!



Tuulia Reponen Mon 27 Mar 2017 9:55AM

Ehdotus: sit kun tää paperi on toukokuussa valmis, vois ruveta miettimään Suomen kampanjaa eduskuntavaaleja 2019 ajatellen ja suunnitella miten END-paperia lobataan esim. puolueiden suuntaan.


Katja Kiuru Mon 27 Mar 2017 9:57AM

Ja median.
Etsin lauantaina Ylen sivuilta Rooma -raportteja: mitä löytyi: kierros jäätelökioskeilla...