
Second address/ residence

SD Sophie Davies Public Seen by 198

Many people in New Zealand move between different addresses or have more than one residence. Examples of this are:

  • children whose week is split between separate parental homes,
  • students whose term-time address differs from their home address and
  • people whose working week address differs from their home address.

The information requirements identified are a need to understand:

  • regional population fluctuations,
  • family connections across households,
  • New Zealand’s housing stock, and
  • second home ownership rates.

In addition, this information could provide operational gains for Statistics NZ and help to ensure the quality of the population count in the census.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) in England and Wales collected information on second address and the purpose of that address in their 2011 Census. They used a definition of 30 days or more a year to identify second addresses. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is also currently considering including it in their 2016 Census.

It may not be possible for the census to meet all information needs identified in this topic area, because the amount of information we can collect on any one topic is limited. We also need to be think about respondent burden when considering adding another address question in the 2018 Census.

Our current recommendations relating to second address/ residence

  • We recommend that second address or residence be considered for inclusion in the 2018 Census.

  • We invite feedback on information requirements relating to second addresses or residences, and which types of information would be of the greatest value and highest priority to collect.

See our preliminary view of 2018 Census content (pages 21-22) for a more detailed discussion on second address/ residence information.


lois matheson Mon 1 Jun 2015 4:58AM

If it is possible to get good information through census on all of the following I think adding this question to the census is a win-win.
•regional population fluctuations,
•family connections across households,
•New Zealand’s housing stock, and
•second home ownership rates.

I am sure there would be challenges with framing a question(s) but the benefits seem worth trying for. I am particularly interested in how second residence information might help with understanding of different types of families' living arrangements - especially where grandparents are raising kids, step families and extended families.


Cecile Tañedo Mon 1 Jun 2015 8:06AM

Lois, welcome to the online discussion on second residence.
We will be collating all inputs to second residence from the online discussion, roadshows and formal submissions. If second residence will be included in the 2018 Census, the number of questions will be limited due to respondent burden. Some of the information needs you've stated will be derived from several attributes. Rest assured that your inputs will be included.


Michael Littlewood Wed 3 Jun 2015 5:02PM

The discussion so far seems to be resident-focussed - obviously a key target for Census2018. I wonder if we might discuss the topic from a residence-focus - in other words the buildings themselves. Someone owns every residence. If it's important to know (for an occupied residence) how many bedrooms, bathrooms etc. there are, Census2013 made no effort to gather that information for unoccupied residences. Is that to change for 2018? I have other questions but will leave it at that for now.


Cecile Tañedo Wed 3 Jun 2015 9:09PM

Welcome to the discussion Michael and thank you for your comments.
Second residence is not final yet to be included in the census. We are consolidating comments/suggestions as to its need and weighing the importance of each one. Your comments included.
There is another sub-topic which is about housing which is considering variables like dwelling counts, number of rooms etc.
The Household Economic Surveycounts bedrooms, kitchens, dining rooms, lounges or living rooms, and rumpus rooms. It doesn't count bathrooms, showers, spa rooms, laundries, halls, garages and pantries. For customised data you can e-mail [email protected] or call toll free 0508 525 525.
I hope this helps.


sarah (topic expert) Fri 5 Jun 2015 1:58AM

Hi @michaellittlewood
Thank you for your suggestion to consider a residence focus for this topic.
Most of the anticipated user needs for the topic outlined in the Preliminary view of 2018 Census content were around residents (for example understanding split families and fluctuating populations). However, we would be very interested to hear more on how second dwelling information would be used. Would a count of second address/ residence and the type of residence (e.g. a holiday home, work address etc.) be of use? or would you require more in-depth information similar to that collected on the dwelling form (e.g. number of bedrooms)? How would this inform research, policies or decision making? As Cecil (facilitator) mentions, the user needs we identify through this engagement and consultation will help determine what is in scope for 2018 Census. At present we cannot fully identify what will change for 2018 Census.


Cecile Tañedo Mon 8 Jun 2015 1:15AM

Hi everyone!
Attached are the 2011 Census releases of ONS related to 'second addresses' and their final recommended questions reflected in their census questionnaire:

Following is ONS' final recommended questions on second address_refer to pages 22-23

The Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is also considering second residence as new content for their 2016 Census. In Australia:

  • There is growing user interest in data about second residence, particularly in relation to: people who regularly stay in a second residence due to work commitments; children in shared custody arrangements who have an alternate usual residence from the one they stayed in on Census night; and students who regularly stay in a second residence due to educational requirements.

  • Collection of information on second residence would enable improved assessment of the numbers of temporary residents located in communities and would be used for the compilation of service populations. This, in turn, would facilitate more accurate planning for services in these locations.

  • This topic may also incorporate second residence ownership, which would enhance statistics on wealth and home ownership, and potentially be used to improve measures of socioeconomic status.

This is the starting point for us, but we are flexible on what questions to include once we have listed, prioritised and finalised user needs on second addresses. We are keen to hear more from you specifically on user needs.

Thank you.


Derek Phyn Tue 9 Jun 2015 2:30AM

Hi Cecile,

This information would be very useful for Civil Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM). When evacuations are required knowing how many people require evacuation in a particular area is critical. During the holiday off-season usually resident data is sufficient to plan an evacuation. However, during public holidays and the summer holiday season it is impossible to know how many people may require evacuation from holiday hot-spots such as Coromandel and Taupo. A lot of New Zealander's stay in their or their friend's/familie's holiday homes at these times. Knowing how many dwellings are holiday homes/baches in a location would certainly help planning for holiday evacuations.



Cecile Tañedo Tue 9 Jun 2015 8:29PM

@derekphyn, good morning and thank you for your participation in this discussion thread.
This is good to know that civil defence can use the second address information in planning for holiday evacuations. We will try our best to recommend more detailed question(s) so that location of these addresses will be targeted and can provide relevant information in times of emergency situations.
Rest assured that your input will be included.


Cecile Tañedo Tue 9 Jun 2015 10:49PM

Definition of 'second address/residence'

Hi everyone!
I would like to know your thoughts on the proposed definition of 'second address' which is patterned after ONS' 2011 Census. SNZ's proposed definition is 30 days or more a year to identify second address.

Thank you.


Derek Phyn Tue 9 Jun 2015 10:55PM

In response to questions from the Facilitator Tina....

1.) what is the most useful determination of a second address eg 30+ nights per year?
- I define a second address is another dwelling owned by an individual. However, not sure if you open a can of worms with this one by also needing to ask about third address, fourth address and so on....

2.) What information people would most like to know about the characteristics and/or use of these dwellings (second address).
- Primary use (Personal holiday home, rented holiday home, rental, hostel/shelter, Business, Vacant, other); maximum likely number of occupants at any one time; average number of nights per year the 2nd address has occupants; times of the year the 2nd address is most commonly occupied (selection of more than one allowed - All year, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, summer holidays, long weekends, public holidays, weekends, weekdays)

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