Wed 21 May 2014 6:44PM

Should we add 'The Zero Marginal Cost Society' to the TZM UK reading list?


Craig Arroyo Wed 21 May 2014 6:53PM

I have seen Rifkin give a "Google Talk" : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-iDUcETjvo

On the basis of the above, I would say "yes" with certainty, the concept of zero-marginal cost society seems as though it would facilitate transition towards a global RBE system.

I would like to see the book added to official reading list.


Dave Lucas Wed 21 May 2014 7:18PM

With his vision for the third industrial revolution JR brilliantly bridges the gap between the mainstream establishment and RBE transition. Its very encouraging that he has overseen the building and retrofitting of a million photovoltaic buildings in Germany.
And promoting his work on business networking forums is a great way to awaken the online community without triggering the 'utopianist/communist' kneejerk reaction.


Jeremy Hoke Wed 21 May 2014 7:23PM

Be sure to record your 'positions' by clicking on one of the thumb icons to the right. You can change your vote later if you change your mind.


Grant Williams Wed 21 May 2014 10:52PM

Not read anything in detail but looks like an Interesting hypothesis that physical goods will become so cheap to produce that they will just become free to own......not convinced


Grant Williams Fri 23 May 2014 4:07PM

I'm going for the thumbs up, all knowledge is good knowledge, people from my chapter have long heard me say that the RBE (or extinction) is an inevitability ....... ultimately our job is to bring it closer because..... in this paradigm a child dies of hunger every 5 seconds


Craig Arroyo Sun 1 Jun 2014 2:20PM

Jeremy :
Do you want to go proceed ?

Can you propose the book to whichever dept is responsible for content on the UK suggested reading list ?

Could you also comment here with feedback regarding the response you receive to the proposal ?


Jeremy Hoke Tue 3 Jun 2014 8:33AM

Thanks to everyone who participated in the discussion. I've added the book to the reading list and added an 'outcome' to this proposal.

This has been my first experience with Loomio, and I think it's a great tool and has a lot of potential applications, inside and outside of TZM.