
[post] Accès aux documents administratif - la voie est ouverte

PI Patrick Installé Public Seen by 20

Victoire, ! A la suite de la demande d'un Pirate, la Commission d'Accès aux documents Administratif wallonne (CADAW) a publié son avis et donné entièrement raison au Pirate pour obtenir les documents demandés à la commune de Tubize.. CADA - Avis n° 120 : P. Installé c/Tubize : La décision et les échanges de courriels

Succes ! Following the request of a Pirate, the "CADAW") (Commission for the access to administrative document of wallonia) had published the advice and give reason to the Pirate to obtain the requested document from the city of Tubize. CADA - Avis n° 120 : P. Installé c/Tubize The decision and the emails


Thierry Fenasse Thu 16 Mar 2017 9:34AM

Nice job!

Een vertaaling ?

And we can publish this on our website?



Josse Thu 16 Mar 2017 9:36PM

Is there a possibility to create a summary? Because I don't know which documents were requested...


HgO Thu 16 Mar 2017 9:43PM

I'm not sure the website is a good place for this. We can make an article, but do we have the documents yet ? I would like to do the same procedure for my city. Actually, I would like to see if this works for some cities before going to the next step :)

The documents that were requested are those that the municipal councillors have before the council. It contains crucial information, such as detailled budget. As a citizen, when you want to come at a municipal council, in most case all you get is a ridiculous agenda without much details.