
Ways young people can help ensure accountability to the Sustainable Development Goals.

MCM Melvin Cheye Mulanda Public Seen by 531

How can young people strengthen accountability in Achieving the SDGs? The 2030 Agenda, Global Partnership and transition from Aid Effectiveness towards Development Effectiveness are efforts in good light, but the ball still lies in our court as the people, more so the young people.


Sie Kwasi Owusu Williams Wed 2 Nov 2016 7:41PM

Eradication poverty and it sustainability


Maureen O' Connell Wed 2 Nov 2016 8:41PM

My email address has changed to [email protected] Would you please update it in your list?

Thanks an kind regards,

Maureen O’ Connell


Sie Kwasi Owusu Williams Sat 5 Nov 2016 10:25PM