Fri 20 Feb 2015 2:53PM

30 Sec video

TG Timothée Gosselin Public Seen by 120

I was thinking about doing a small video, where I introduce myself and the OSCEdays, my motivations, vision etc.
Something not too formal and catchy, to go a bit viral

Would be super cool, if every city does it.

If you are up for it, we can think about a scenario etc.


Sam Muirhead Sun 22 Feb 2015 9:26PM

I think this is a nice idea and if many cities and team members do it then I can cut them together into a little montage to show the breadth of the topic and our teams - it would be good to have, for example, a greeting in the local language, and (in english) an explanation of why they're excited about OSCEdays and what they might work on.


Timothée Gosselin Mon 23 Feb 2015 11:14AM

ok let's do it then