Fri 13 Jun 2014 3:06PM

TZMUK (FB Group) Banning procedure

CA Craig Arroyo Public Seen by 23

Who should have opportunity to participate in the decision making process regarding removal of posts/members in the group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/TZMUnkitedKingdom/771705269529016/?notif_t=group_comment_reply

Currently these decisions are made by group admins, who are both unelected and have not demonstrated either qualification or merit.
It is admitted that current admin criteria is that admins are "off line friends".


steve duffield Sat 14 Jun 2014 11:03AM

Grant, don't get me wrong - I welcome all political backgrounds to the debate, this is not about my personal feeling towards UKip. The rhetoric and general undercurrent of the agenda pushed by the previous admins reflected the general frustration of modern politikzz that pushes people toward parties such as UKip. Even without making a value judgement on this political position I would argue that it is counter-intuitive to the role and fuction of TZM - and this is why, after much discussion, these individuals were either banned from the forum (one only I think) - the rest leaving (bear in mind they had all been admins at one point - consensus in action!!). There subsequent actions have proved the response to be reasonable in my view as they have embarked on a straight forward anti TZM, anti Islam and pro nationalist agenda (far beyond UKippers) within the groups and pages they still have admin rights in.

Grant, we clash at the opposite corners (in many ways) of the political compass yet I have never seen any negativity in your approach to the debate. Anybody who shouts 'ban' every time a person mention UKip is a kneejerker themselves - but a TZM page can only indulge party political propaganda to a point (whether UKip, SPGB or whoever pops up). The admins have a tough job in this subjective and nuanced role... to me they show a fine balance between tolerance and questioning the relevance.

"Activity around the 2015 Elections will be worse than the Euros and I am not confident that Admins will be neutral."

It will be difficult but surely the bias will always be with the parties who policies align with what TZM is advocating (global sustainability that takes us beyond war, poverty and money) To me this would be reasonable - the only other way would be to ban all political party propaganda - very difficult to do imho - and again, unneeded if we are to seek anything like a consensus approaches.


Grant Williams Sat 14 Jun 2014 11:37AM

Thanks Steve, I wasn't having a go at you by the way, I was trying to bring visibility to the bias issue. Agreed this is going to be a difficult and on-going challenge. We certainly do not need any further infighting and splits.

I would like to discuss this bias because IMHO it is dangerous and misplaced ie. If the USA or China were doing what the EU are doing and you disagreed, would you regard yourself as being a Nationalist?

However this is not the place for that discussion.

Is the FB Group a place for this discussion, IMHO it should be, but it probably cannot be because the bias is overwhelming. I'm happy to leave the group aggressively non political. I find it hard to keep quiet when I see MSM attacks shared on the site

Consensus here can help guide and protect Admins who will have to make immediate Judgement calls (banning and censorship), sometimes daily

PS. I may have some influence if Kippers are being a nuisance, If I cannot then they are not real kippers, just supporters.


Melarish Ish Sun 15 Jun 2014 12:53PM

So, Grant, basically you are saying that UKIP would get us closer to the TZM aims of ending violence, ending poverty and living sustainably, cooperatively on this planet?

AFAIK, UKIP denies climate change (SPGB, Moneyfree and others advertising on the group don't), hasn't spoken up for people in poverty/wave slavery (others do) and promotes nationalism which can easily lead to violence (others promote cooperation at all levels).

Could you prove your claims? Not just saying things but pointing to official UKIP material.


Grant Williams Wed 25 Jun 2014 7:23AM

OK Mel, hopefully just done that with my recent post about UKIP offering power back to the people via Referendum.

I have been shouting long and hard for a Direct Democracy Policy on private ukip members forums that some policy makers frequent and face to face discussions with MEPS including Roger Helmer, I am not so egotistical as to think that I am responsible for the new policy announcement but would like to think an RBE advocate influenced it, just a little bit.

Baby Steps - living in the here and now!!! - lateral thinking - spotting windows of opportunity - leaving the keyboard to do something about it.

However it seems some leftists, thought they knew better.

Disclaimer: I actually wasn't around and have no affiliation with the previous kippers who WERE tzm members and hopefully still are rbe advocates.