Fri 30 May 2014 2:22PM

sondage : Pearltrees Version 1

NQ Noos Quest Public Seen by 43

Do you want to keep pearls & trees ? like pearltrees 1
Souhaitez-vous garder arbres & perles ? comme pearltrees 1

Also to english people :
Consultez et relayez le Dossier évolutif http://www.pearltrees.com/t/pearltrees-2-sucks/id11757305 (français, anglais et international language Welcome :)
➜ quelques comparatifs entre pearltrees 1 et 2 : http://pearltrees.com/p/c0CPn

Précédemment sur Flash, le nouveau format HTML5 ne semble pas poser de problèmes pour une disposition d'arborescence… Ainsi, garder la v1 signifie essentiellement garder les arbres et les perles par défaut.

La visualisation pearltrees v1 est encore disponible pour les anciens membres (pour le moment et sur ordinateur uniquement) en passant dans le panneau de gauche puis tout en bas : "plus" > "voir dans pearltrees 1"

Bonjour à tous,

Nous sommes plusieurs à avoir adopté depuis quelques temps ce fantastique outil qu'est Pearltrees, afin de pouvoir stocker, organiser et échanger nos nombreuses découvertes sur le Web.

Le principal attrait de Pearltrees réside dans sa carte heuristique (autrement appelée mind map, ou carte mentale) qui selon Aristote (qui en a imaginé le concept) permet de représenter visuellement l'organisation de liens sémantiques (ici des perles) et de les hierarchiser comme bon nous semble.

L'orientation prise par cette nouvelle version, certes s'appuyant sur une nouvelle architecture (HTML5, abandon de Flash, etc...) n'offre pas la richesse, en termes fonctionnels*, à laquelle nous avions initialement souscrit.

Une n-ième interface de type Pinterest, clairement orientée tablettes et consors, n'apporte plus grand intérêt à l'utilisation de PearlTrees, que l'on devrait renommer à l'occasion, car il n'est même plus fidèle à son nom.

Si vous partagez notre avis et souhaitez retrouver la richesse de l'interface de Pearltrees avec les perles et arborescence que vous aimez, merci de nous faire part de votre vote ci-après.

A bientôt

*ergonomie d'usage : spatialisation et mémorisation (emplacement des liens, suite logique, reconnaissance visuelle des sous-dossiers), navigation intuitive (une fois l'habitude prise), liaisons et sérendipité, organisation progressive, émulsion d'équipe… mais aussi indications visuelles tels les prises et commentaires (précédents cercles de contour), etc.


Noos Quest Sat 31 May 2014 12:52PM

Libre à vous de créer de nouveaux sujets + vote dans ce groupe


Noos Quest Sat 31 May 2014 1:36PM

n'hésitez pas à partager....
+nouvelle question : keep the v2 ?


Pascal Sat 31 May 2014 1:39PM

I understand both the PT team strategy and the disappointed users concerns. I believe both sides have specially meaningful arguments.

I like to analyze my options and move forward. So here is my thinking.

What would be valuable for the future of PT is to integrate different views for our content: grid, trees, list... and sorting options, by comment, by date, by alphabetical order...

For example, I really need a list view to truly benefit from the online storage feature, what Dropbox does very well.

At this stage it seems that many PT users lost something extremely valuable and unique for them, and I believe that is not a smart move. So the next core question is:

  • Can the PT team release an additional HTML5 tree view and incorporate it into the V2?

This would now be more interesting and make a lot of sense, because it would clearly remain aimed at power users, limiting the need for a high UI affordance and focus on pro features and a true mindmap paradigm.

If not:
-would the PT team allow us a way to export our data?
-is there a community/start-up of people willing to disrupt Pearltrees?
-should we crowdfund this?

I don't feel I have lost my tool. I feel empowered by the new usage. But I am afraid many users feel that the Pearltrees they know is dead, replaced by something that limits them. The core feature that seduced them to adopt the tool, is gone.

So, no step back, but fix the V2!


Noos Quest Sat 31 May 2014 2:01PM

I'm in favor of adding "....different views for our content: grid, trees, list… and sorting options, by comment, by date, by alphabetical order…" to the v1...


Pascal Sat 31 May 2014 2:19PM

I don't believe a startup will ever "downgrade itself" after a major roll-out. It is why I propose to keep the new but to better extend it.


Noos Quest Sat 31 May 2014 2:37PM

by "keep the v1" I don't mean keep flash....but really v2 is not as fluid as v1, in my humble use...


Pascal Sat 31 May 2014 3:11PM

I'm trying to imagine a way towards a middle ground, because imho you seriously cannot tell the Pearltrees team they have failed and ask for a revert to the previous version. That's unrealistic and counterproductive.


econologie Sat 31 May 2014 3:29PM

The concern is that we have no commitment or indication from developers who say that they will make EFFORTS to submit a tree - and this is not to measure any current loss to repeat "try version 2 is much more powerful and effective ... "we tried, and without tree ... it's ridiculous, trying to navigate the account of others to understand.
Why do not they offer a platform on which we could organize our common choices with them?


Pascal Sat 31 May 2014 3:50PM

Never walk into a negociation without:
1. knowing what you want
2. knowing what you can get from the other side
3. knowing what you're willing to give to get point 1

And to answer your question: because companies are not democracies.

I am not a Pearltrees spokesperson. I'm an advocate of a third way.

But this debate is so boring I'm out for a while.


econologie Sat 31 May 2014 4:59PM

We love the third track, and we reached many poles ; we could all contribute to the development of better software, but developers want only individual feedback (or really any real involvement in the development and support because without reflection or consultation - except those we launch ourselves).
What is tiresome is especially hope for a tree in version 2 ... without it ever comes.
There are many people properly shocked (it is their word) because of lack of tact the transition to V2, and the lack of foresight on the aggregation and links they provided work.
Double or Quits? without tree?

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