Tue 23 Oct 2012 9:53PM

Donations to joindiaspora.com

G goob Public Seen by 114

What are the donations made to joindiaspora.com going towards now? None of the founders are working full-time on the project any more, and the development is being done by community devs.

If the donations are just used to keep the pod hosted, the text by the donate button should be changed to reflect this. And also I think a note should be sent to anyone who pays a monthly subscription to the pod.

Also, what is done with any surplus money donated to the pod now that the money isn't going towards development? I think there needs to be some transparency in this matter.


Flaburgan Wed 22 May 2013 11:59AM

I could be great to have more information about donation from @maxwell (omg, he did not sign in here...)

So @seantilleycommunit can you say to us the amount of money which is collected with that?


goob Wed 22 May 2013 9:29PM

It would make more sense to create a payment button that could be customised by each podmin to pay for their own hosting costs, rather than defaulting to pay Diaspora Inc. We don't want to totally turn off the flow of cash to them as that would jeopardise the largest pod, joindiaspora.com. However, it would make sense if only donations made via that pod went to fund that pod.

At the moment a technically proficient podmin can set up their own payment thingy, but it would be a good idea if a customisable one was part of the package, so as part of setting up the pod, they can (if they want) enable the donation button, enter where payment goes to (email address/bank account, etc) and which forms of payment, from a list, they'll accept, click OK and it's set up for them.

Obviously the text needs to make clear that donations will fund the running of the pod (and specify which pod they go to) rather than development of Diaspora.

I realise this is a slightly different proposal, but thought it worth putting the idea forward. If it's really easy for a podmin to set this up to help fund their own pod, it's another step to making running a pod more easily possible for lay (non-sysadmin) users.


Florian Staudacher Wed 22 May 2013 10:09PM

@goob we have that already (kind of)
a podmin just has to enter the id of a paypal donation campaing in the config, then donations will go there.

The current implementation falls back to the "jondiaspora" donation, if nothing is set, though.


goob Wed 22 May 2013 10:26PM

Thanks for the information, Florian.


Blindsite Tue 28 May 2013 1:21AM

Does Diaspora Inc, or whoever we are donating to, have a bitcoin address? Bitcoin seems to be a natural form of payment for a decentralized network such as Diaspora (though I wouldn't limit myself to it of course).