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VAN GM Thu 6 Dec 2018 7:29PM

3 - In order for a non-incumbent team to offer a contract length of 2 years or shorter, the yearly value must be less than 10 million
4 - Non-incumbent teams must offer a contract length of at least 3 years (no yearly value requirement)
5 - In order for a non-incumbent team to offer a contract length of 2 years or shorter, the yearly value must be less than 3 million
6 - Non-incumbent teams must offer a contract length of at least 2 years (no yearly value requirement)
7 - In order for a non-incumbent team to offer a contract length of fewer than 2 years, the yearly value must be less than 10 million

fuck RFA


ShiDaW Thu 6 Dec 2018 7:31PM

3 - Non-incumbent teams must offer a contract length of at least 2 years (no yearly value requirement)
4 - In order for a non-incumbent team to offer a contract length of fewer than 2 years, the yearly value must be less than 10 million
5 - In order for a non-incumbent team to offer a contract length of 2 years or shorter, the yearly value must be less than 10 million
6 - Non-incumbent teams must offer a contract length of at least 3 years (no yearly value requirement)
7 - In order for a non-incumbent team to offer a contract length of 2 years or shorter, the yearly value must be less than 3 million

Leave the yearly value to the market to decide. Too much oversight will kill RFA. Current system encourages RFA prospect churning abuse with minimal downside for non-incumbent teams.


ShiDaW Thu 6 Dec 2018 7:32PM

3 - Non-incumbent teams must offer a contract length of at least 2 years (no yearly value requirement)
4 - Non-incumbent teams must offer a contract length of at least 3 years (no yearly value requirement)
5 - In order for a non-incumbent team to offer a contract length of 2 years or shorter, the yearly value must be less than 10 million
6 - In order for a non-incumbent team to offer a contract length of fewer than 2 years, the yearly value must be less than 10 million
7 - The system is fine as is

Leave the yearly value to the market to decide. Too much oversight will kill RFA. Current system encourages RFA prospect churning abuse with minimal downside for non-incumbent teams.


JediPieman63 Thu 6 Dec 2018 9:40PM

3 - In order for a non-incumbent team to offer a contract length of 2 years or shorter, the yearly value must be less than 10 million
4 - In order for a non-incumbent team to offer a contract length of 2 years or shorter, the yearly value must be less than 3 million
5 - Non-incumbent teams must offer a contract length of at least 3 years (no yearly value requirement)
6 - Non-incumbent teams must offer a contract length of at least 2 years (no yearly value requirement)
7 - In order for a non-incumbent team to offer a contract length of fewer than 2 years, the yearly value must be less than 3 million

Kill the 2+TO, burn it with fire


Piano9717 Mon 10 Dec 2018 3:16AM

3 - In order for a non-incumbent team to offer a contract length of fewer than 2 years, the yearly value must be less than 10 million
4 - In order for a non-incumbent team to offer a contract length of fewer than 2 years, the yearly value must be less than 3 million
5 - The system is fine as is
6 - In order for a non-incumbent team to offer a contract length of 2 years or shorter, the yearly value must be less than 3 million
7 - Non-incumbent teams must offer a contract length of at least 2 years (no yearly value requirement)

not a fan of options 3, 4, and 5. not letting teams give a 2 year contract is too limiting, and i also feel like the 10 million limit defeats the purpose of this rule--to allow people to take flyers on bad players.


Poll Created Wed 12 Dec 2018 12:05AM

RFA Runoff Vote Closed Sat 15 Dec 2018 12:01AM

A runoff vote between the two most popular options from the previous poll, restated in clearer terms. More details about the history behind the proposal can be found in the previous poll.


Results Option % of points Voters
In order for a non-incumbent team to offer a contract length of fewer than 3 years, the yearly value must be less than 10 million 52.6% 10 P J VG S CB A V B TM O
In order for a non-incumbent team to offer a contract length of fewer than 2 years, the yearly value must be less than 10 million 47.4% 9 C P N R M G P D Y
Undecided 0% 13 M T T D HT RK S NN V D CT T

19 of 32 people have participated (59%)