Wed 11 Oct 2017 9:46PM

Journal/blog of social coop

LS Leo Sammallahti Public Seen by 579

In todays meeting we discussed having a journal/blog to document our experience. Because writing content to the blog takes effort, so we could use toots in the Mastodon instant as content. Here's 3 examples of how we could use toots as material to be posted for blog posts:

The top 5/10/20 most tooted/favourited toots of the day/week/month
- Can we easily check on what toots have had most retoots/favourites/replies?
- How to pick the toot? If someone posts on monday and other one on sunday, and the one on monday has 1 retoot more, who to pick? There should be some objective measurement in my opinion.

Interviews in social coop Mastodon instant
- Interviewing a founding member of a newly established platform cooperative, a candidate for an ongoing coop/credit union/building society election, researcher on coops, etc.
- This would also give us a way to invite people to social coop: approach a person who has just set up a new platform coop and ask that person to join social coop for an interview in our Mastodon instant that will be published in our blog.

Discussions and debates in Mastodon
- Could we organize a discussion or a debate between libertarian and socialist coop enthusiast? Or between anarchist and social democrat? People who both support cooperatives but from a different, sometimes even opposing, political leanings. This might also drive home point the point that we are welcoming to people from different political leanings.

What do you think? I could imagine that people who visit social coop once every two weeks might like to catch up on highlights of the discussion that there has been.

Should we have a blog or a journal of some sort? If so, how do we choose the content?


Robert Benjamin Fri 15 Jun 2018 4:08PM

As I believe there are no clear guidelines exist (neither in the Bylaws, polices emanating from a Working Group, or passed proposals) for creating what you are after (distillation/documentation of what Social.Coop is all about suitable for external communication) utilizing the Editorial Working Group for such activity seems like the right place.

A starting point would be to go through what already exists (most of it created in the early days) and bring it all together to see what needs to be added, edited, or refined. Here are all the places where I've seen some for of editorial content around social.coop.

Keeping in mind that some of this is a moving target as there are major policy and procedures "improvements" (CoC, Budgeting, Governance Working Group Structure, etc. that are activity being worked on.


Beyond that the best place to see and document any informal "complex collective practices" would be to engage in all the working groups and document from there.

Hope that helps.


mike_hales Fri 15 Jun 2018 5:20PM

Thanks robert. I'll pick this up as I get the opportunity.


Leo Sammallahti Wed 13 Jun 2018 12:34PM

Lot of good points, the slide show by @mattnoyes looks good and we should figure out how to use it.


Michele Kipiel Wed 13 Jun 2018 4:43PM

Here's an idea: I am seeing lots of valid points against drafting a governance proposal for a hypotethical Mastodon Coop, but that doesn't mean we can't turn that draft into an article. Wouldn't it be cool if we kicked off our blog with an article about "what would happen if mastodon went full coop"?


Leo Sammallahti Fri 15 Jun 2018 2:37PM

I like that. Writing an article could be a good first step, hopefully it will get good feedback and new people involved, which will help it expand to something bigger. I don't see the two as mutually exclusive, but writing an article first, and then expanding it later to a more "action-plan" type of documents.


muninn Wed 13 Jun 2018 5:10PM

"as a person discovering social.coop I still can't see any place to get a picture of the whole venture . . . purposes, persons, projects, media spaces."

I'm not new any more and I still find this to be true for myself, it's scattered across a lot of loomio threads and the like. Of course it's yet more work for somebody to put together a blog and for people then to update it, but it'd be a nice point of contact and I definitely would have cruised through and read about s.c if a blog/etc existed. Also it'd be cool to put brief updates about software upgrades or whatever else there.


mike_hales Thu 14 Jun 2018 6:04PM

Nice one, @michelekipiel :ok_hand:


Matt Noyes Fri 15 Jun 2018 6:10PM

I like the idea of highlighting popular (or otherwise selected) toots from social.coop. This is a great way to show off the range and quality of content generated. (Equity and inclusion should be one criterion, of course.)
Articles and Interviews (great idea!) should be published in existing coop/FLOSS blogs, to help others grow and prosper and to build recognition of social.coop in the coop/tech world.
The "blueprint for a cooperative Mastodon" piece would be great to put on various blogs, for instance.


Michele Kipiel Mon 18 Jun 2018 7:21AM

The "blueprint for a cooperative Mastodon" piece would be great to put on various blogs, for instance.

I will start working on this ASAP!


Robert Benjamin Mon 18 Jun 2018 5:18PM

Let me know if you need any contributors.

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