
Project Idea: adapt riot-web package for debian main

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 388

We will need to package electron first, but packaging electron will enable us to package many more software depending on electron like atom and Visual Studio Code. See http://electron.atom.io/ Reply if you are interested in this project. riot.im has the deb package that bundles all dependencies, we'll have to package dependencies separately.

pravi@nishumbha:~$ npm2deb depends  -b -r electron
NPM                                               Debian
electron (1.4.13)                                 None
├─ electron-download (^3.0.1)                     None
│  ├─ debug (^2.2.0)                              node-debug (2.5.1-1)
│  ├─ fs-extra (^0.30.0)                          node-fs-extra (1.0.0-1)
│  ├─ home-path (^1.0.1)                          None
│  ├─ minimist (^1.2.0)                           node-minimist (1.2.0-1)
│  ├─ nugget (^2.0.0)                             None
│  │  ├─ debug (^2.1.3)                           node-debug (2.5.1-1)
│  │  ├─ minimist (^1.1.0)                        node-minimist (1.2.0-1)
│  │  ├─ pretty-bytes (^1.0.2)                    None
│  │  ├─ progress-stream (^1.1.0)                 None
│  │  │  ├─ speedometer (~0.1.2)                  None
│  │  │  └─ through2 (~0.2.3)                     node-through2 (2.0.3-1)
│  │  ├─ request (^2.45.0)                        node-request (2.26.1-1)
│  │  ├─ single-line-log (^1.1.2)                 None
│  │  │  └─ string-width (^1.0.1)                 node-string-width (2.0.0-1)
│  │  └─ throttleit (0.0.2)                       None
│  ├─ path-exists (^2.1.0)                        node-path-exists (3.0.0-1)
│  ├─ rc (^1.1.2)                                 node-rc (1.1.6-2)
│  ├─ semver (^5.3.0)                             node-semver (5.3.0-1)
│  └─ sumchecker (^1.2.0)                         None
│     ├─ debug (^2.2.0)                           node-debug (2.5.1-1)
│     └─ es6-promise (^4.0.5)                     node-es6-promise (3.2.2+ds-1)
└─ extract-zip (^1.0.3)                           None
   ├─ concat-stream (1.5.0)                       node-concat-stream (1.5.1-1)
   ├─ debug (0.7.4)                               node-debug (2.5.1-1)
   ├─ mkdirp (0.5.0)                              node-mkdirp (0.5.0-1)
   └─ yauzl (2.4.1)                               node-yauzl (2.1.0-1)

Tushar Agey Thu 5 Jan 2017 2:08AM

I am interested!


Pirate Praveen Thu 5 Jan 2017 2:21AM

Cool! We'll discuss more when we meet today. Lets find two more persons for this project.


Tushar Agey Thu 5 Jan 2017 2:53AM



Nupur Malpani Sun 8 Jan 2017 5:21AM

I am packaging home-path


Abhishek Kuvalekar Sun 8 Jan 2017 5:23AM

I am interested.


Tushar Agey Sun 8 Jan 2017 5:23AM

I am packaging extract-zip


Abhishek Kuvalekar Sun 8 Jan 2017 5:31AM

I am packaging pretty-bytes


Vinay Prakash Desai Sun 8 Jan 2017 5:33AM

I am packaging path-exists


Vinay Prakash Desai Sun 8 Jan 2017 5:38AM

path-exists is already packaged


Nupur Malpani Sun 8 Jan 2017 5:44AM

single-line-log is already packaged by me

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