Tue 23 May 2017 3:04PM

Images appear as broken links

AL Alex Lawrie Public Seen by 482

So, I try to include an image in a comment. I've read up on Markdown (if you see what I mean) so I know to try something like this:

"! CDBgraph "

But it comes out like this:


A broken link. But there can't be anything wrong with the link itself, because if I right click and view in new tab, the image appears perfectly. It's only in Loomio that it doesn't display. So what am I doing wrong?


James Kiesel Tue 23 May 2017 3:39PM

Dropbox appears to be doing an odd thing there where, even though the extension of that url address is .png, it's still serving up html content (ie, a whole web page in addition to the image).

I was able to get the link to the proper image by right-clicking on the image on that page and selecting 'Copy Image Address' (I'm on chrome, but other browsers will have a similar option), and using that instead.


Alex Lawrie Sat 27 May 2017 10:13AM

Ah, that's fixed it. Thanks.


Alex Lawrie Fri 21 Jul 2017 9:42AM

Or at least I thought it did. But gradually people began to report that they couldn't see the images, and now I find I can't either. So possibly the address that Dropbox was delivering was a temporary one and liable to fail after time.