Sun 26 Apr 2020 10:30AM

Should we accept for-profit PPE suppliers on our map?

AB Adam Bates Public Seen by 9

Until now we've always said our map is for PPE that's free or at cost price. Somebody has filled out the form from an organisation called https://n95masksonline.co.uk/. It seems like they sell them for profit, but they donate 1 medical grade mask to the NHS for every 10 non medical grade masks they sell.

Should we add them to the map?

Looking at this more broadly, what would you argue the parameters should be regarding people selling PPE?


Poll Created Sun 26 Apr 2020 10:31AM

Should we put N95 Masks Online on the map? Closed Wed 29 Apr 2020 10:02AM


Results Option % of points Voters
Yes 100.0% 1 LF
No 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 1 AB

1 of 2 people have participated (50%)


Luke Flegg Sun 26 Apr 2020 7:27PM


Ahh so unsure but pprrobably yesss? I think mainly just forewarning sellers that we will definitely remove any adverts they put up if we feel like their primary agenda is making profit. If they're extremely affordable or free, and really primarily trying to help, then we're likely to keep the listing.

I think prevention of adverts is easier than policing. If this is possible!


Adam Bates Sun 24 May 2020 9:15AM

We, as a team, decided on the following agreement regarding for-profit companies being added to the map:

1. This is a place for suppliers and makers offering PPE as a donation or at cost price, which we define as selling PPE for a price that enables their organisation/self/family to continue sustainably. We do not support businesses or individuals that are taking advantage of the situation to charge excessive prices and will investigate immediately any concerns we have.

2. If the PPEMN is informed that someone is charging what we feel to be excessive prices we will contact them and ask for clarification within 48 hours. If a satisfactory response is not received, they will be removed.

3. We are a very small core team and cannot vet every pin. We have an expectation of integrity and honesty from all PPE maker network users.