
Email notifications

JL Jon Lemmon Public Seen by 59

Our current (lack of) email notifications seems to be hindering continued engagement with Loomio at the moment. Let's have a think about what the ideal form of Loomio email notifications might look like.

First we should look at how other webapps do email notifications and compile a list of what works and what doesn't. Then it's a matter of splitting up "what works" into bite-size features that we can tackle one-at-a-time.

User interviews are going to be crucial for speccing out this feature. We aren't users that are failing to engage with Loomio, so we aren't the main demographic this feature is targeted toward. So we really need to get some information from our users that are failing to engage about what they actually want, and what sort of email notifications from Loomio would perk their interest and make them want to visit the site and engage.


Alanna Irving Thu 25 Oct 2012 8:07PM

i feel very strongly that whatever we implement should have options around it your preferences. some people, especially power users who will likely be our biggest champions, use notifications very differently than the average user. by the numbers, we're probably a small percentage of "user personas" but I can tell you from my frustrations with yammer and facebook notifications being optimized for the masses and completely ignoring the need for customization that it can quickly lead to the people with the more influence over technology decisions in the group to want to jump ship.


Richard D. Bartlett Fri 26 Oct 2012 10:13AM

Jump ship to where?


Benjamin Knight Sun 28 Oct 2012 10:04PM

To totalitarianism of course!