Thu 22 Jul 2021 8:17PM

1. TOP PRIORITY: Things to Cover in MON jul 26 at 1 pm pacific

DU Deleted account Public Seen by 5

Mon 26 Jul 2021 6:56PM

Thank you for the summary💕. I am aligned and I would say my heart feels a priority for tending to our interpersonal space….is there more to clear? And also deciding how to welcome people in. It sounds like there are at least two who would like to step into this inner circle. Also the Loomio/google doc. If we can get to everything here wonderful but I do want to prioritize what is here for all of us and our hearts


Poll Created Mon 26 Jul 2021 6:44PM

key things for our MON meeting (so far, as of 11:45 am Mon am) Closed Wed 28 Jul 2021 6:21PM

by Deleted account Wed 28 Jul 2021 6:21PM

FW NOTE: I hVE CULLED thru our comments below, and have summarized here. Please add anything on your mind/heart:

-- deeper dive into our patriarchy work ..... (including check-in from FW, Eve and Summer's comments below)

-- and this specific from Rebecca: "Also, all of us have bravely said we would be willing to step up if someone is challenged by one of our behaviors and would be willing to do some clearing. I, for one, would need a process. The way it was cleared on Monday seemed one sided to me. It felt like Frederico asked for feedback, Kim gave it and then it was a lot for Frederico to process so he said he would sit with it. Which I greatly applaud. I don't know if you are continuing to process it Frederico. I don't want to feel like we have moved on. (And I guess for me, it still feels uncleared.) I know for me, I wouldn't have been able to stay present with the feedback in the way that it was presented on Monday the way Frederico did.

-- also Rebecca had this specific request: "Summer, I want to repeat something that you said in our Monday meeting which is really challenging me and inviting me: Men needing to be held by women. I am processing what that kind of holding is like."

-- processing community feedback and include discussing FW's proposal to reach outnto the specific folks that suggested a different template or wisdom circle (as only one way to give feedback to the community from wed session)

-- gaining agreement on the google docs "versus" Loomio

-- Deciding how to welcome people into the inner planning circle

-- integrating Tom's 5 kinds of wisdom in an o going way

-- were there other suggestions?


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 1 E
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 4 KW DU R S

1 of 5 people have participated (20%)


Deleted account Mon 26 Jul 2021 6:37PM

NOTE TO SUMMER: I moved your compilation from pages 5-8 to the thread called "homework for we community meeting (page-by-page).


Summer Mon 26 Jul 2021 7:37AM

FW: I moved this,]. see note above


Eve Mon 26 Jul 2021 12:07AM

Also love the idea of

1) processing community feedback

2) gaining clarity on the google docs and Loomio question

3) Deciding how to welcome people into the inner planning circle.


Eve Mon 26 Jul 2021 12:01AM

I love this idea and I am definitely responding to your powerful draw. This approach feels holistic and I am very open to exploring and seeing what is here with the 5 windows.


Rebecca Fri 23 Jul 2021 12:13AM

I am feeling a powerful draw to make Tom B's understanding of wisdom central to our process. Perhaps that it is stated at the beginning of circles? Or used a guideline for creating different circles so that we can utilize the 5 Windows:

(1) Body/Sensations/Actions


(3) Imaging/Metaphors/Storytelling

(4) Rational (Intellectual?)

(5) The "prefrontal" that can work to integrate all of the other 4 so that we can actually be integrated. (I need some more clarification from Tom on that one.)

Tom B:

Yes, I was wanting to just share my idea of how we might be able to expand our definition of wisdom and being inclusive of all these embodiments and feelings etc. And so a brief definition of wisdom that I would use is that wisdom is when we internally see our personal reality. So we can act with reality out here in a way that's in harmony with what exists so that we truly wise in terms of taking care of ourself and the world at the same time. And there's five major windows that we've evolved through to be able to see reality out here. And it's useful to be aware of each one of them. Certainly our body, sensations and actions are is one of them. Our feelings, emotions and heart. senses another are imaging and metaphors and, and storytelling is another. There's the rational side that we're mostly doing. And then there's our preferred channels that have the ability to witness what all these are doing. And then work to integrate them so that we can actually be integrated to step into the world over here. And it would be really nice to be able to have our whole brain functioning in the wisdom circle, ultimately. So that we can then step into the world in ways that are truly constructive and can lead to something really healthy and sustainable.


Eve Sun 25 Jul 2021 11:58PM

Yes this is also very important to me and I would love to make space to hear how things are feeling for all of us now in the current moment. It did feel to me as well that we still have a layer to clear and I imagine Frederico may have some responses. I am hoping and dreaming into the possibility that we can keep moving towards a space where we all feel clear and welcomed with a deepening trust that we can flow into the moment creatively and openly and we will be able to keep dialoguing lovingly if and when things come up that are bumpy


Deleted account Thu 22 Jul 2021 8:57PM

Rebecca added this thread for discussion in our next team meeting. Similar intent as Summer's idea below. My comment: I am excited (and anxious) to have this deepening discussion.....

Rebecca21 hours ago

"I want to put out there as I ponder our meeting on Monday... (seems like ages ago!). We have talked about getting some clearing. I certainly feel some new spaciousness in our group and I deeply appreciate the ongoing vulnerability that is required to stay in our authenticity. I want to reach out to Frederico and ask if he feels "cleared" or if there is anything further that he needs to process in the group?

Also, all of us have bravely said we would be willing to step up if someone is challenged by one of our behaviors and would be willing to do some clearing. I, for one, would need a process. The way it was cleared on Monday seemed one sided to me. It felt like Frederico asked for feedback, Kim gave it and then it was a lot for Frederico to process so he said he would sit with it. Which I greatly applaud. I don't know if you are continuing to process it Frederico. I don't want to feel like we have moved on. (And I guess for me, it still feels uncleared.) I know for me, I wouldn't have been able to stay present with the feedback in the way that it was presented on Monday the way Frederico did. 

I don't know when we will be meeting again (the 5 of us) but I would love to address this more.


Rebecca Thu 22 Jul 2021 11:40PM

Summer, I want to repeat something that you said in our Monday meeting which is really challenging me and inviting me: Men needing to be held by women. I am processing what that kind of holding is like.

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