Thu 6 Sep 2012 11:49AM

Advertise on diaspora improvements, new features, side projects (packages for linux) bug fixes.

M movilla Public Seen by 89

movilla Thu 6 Sep 2012 11:49AM

The diaspora community is doing very discouraged and know the future of the project and the daily work of the developers.

I think we should announce each error correction, new feature (however small), improved interface, parallel projects (packages for linux), new documentation and decisions in Diaspora. This would restore faith in the project and attract the attention of new people.

These ads could make them DiasporaHQ, the developer, or any of us. Positively strengthen the community know that the diaspora network is not abandoned and working on it daily.


Flaburgan Thu 6 Sep 2012 11:58AM

I agree, we should communicate more, with the community and with the media.

I think we should take the list of volunteers (https://framapad.org/diaspora-community-users) and separate ourself in groups.

We should organize ourself. I propose 4 groups :
- Developers
- Translators
- Designers
- Helpers / Promoters

Designers have to work with Helpers / Promoters and with developers.


Jason Robinson Thu 6 Sep 2012 12:03PM

Yeah we definitely need more and better communication. With no community structure however this is a bit difficult. Someone needs to collect the stuff and post when there is a version change for example (different discussions related to versioning and branching).

Currently the community structure is pretty much D Inc trying to set up something, some more senior community persons and the rest of us just hanging around or wondering what to do :) Unfortunately don't have any concrete way of improving this - guess it needs time, and tools and rules.


Florian Staudacher Thu 6 Sep 2012 4:19PM

I think https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/wiki/Community-Governance-Proposal - stage 2 might cover some of the points raised here


movilla Thu 6 Sep 2012 5:10PM

If you do not feel bad, I myself could start running ads calling the attention being on work performed on Github and other alternative projects. To see what the reaction of the community. Well I think that feedback is very important.


Sean Tilley Thu 6 Sep 2012 5:17PM

Actually, this is something I plan on doing with DiasporaHQ (and the devblog) on a regular basis. If we need to start advertising now, I can step to it and start putting DiasporaHQ to good use. :)


Florian Staudacher Thu 6 Sep 2012 6:00PM

@Sean ... who are the people that can currently publish on the devblog; maybe a few more authors might make sense ;)

Possibly the people working on their stuff might want to write about it themselves?


Sean Tilley Thu 6 Sep 2012 6:08PM

Currently, I'm the only one posting to the Devblog, however, with the focus being more on the community, I have a counter-proposal that I think would work well for everyone: we create something akin to a Planet aggregator, to pull in community voices.

If you've read Planet Gnome or Planet KDE, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I think honestly we could do something like this by repurposing the DiasporaProject.org site to include some kind of blog aggregator of its own. (for what it's worth, I'd like to change that site to be Drupal-based, as we could host a lot of infrastructure out of it for documentation, a planet, a project blog, etc)


movilla Thu 6 Sep 2012 8:09PM

Sean is right. The task is DiasporaHQ and should run regularly. Users appreciate much your publications, share them and know they are working in diaspora.

Flaburgan indicates that several bloggers https://framapad.org/diaspora-community-users think they could help or report devblog new diaspora improvements on their own blogs or join the Planet Diaspora (very good idea).


Flaburgan Thu 6 Sep 2012 8:36PM

I think we have to deploy a pack of tools on diasporaproject : keep the blog for global communication, merge the dev blog on a planet, a wiki for documentation and more, a page for the goodies... I can work on this !

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