Wed 6 Dec 2017 7:00PM

Spiritual Doctrine

DK Dakota Kaiser Public Seen by 220

Thread for discussing spiritual doctrine poll

Do you agree/resonate with the statements made in this poll?

"-Do no unnecessary Harm; for all of Life is Sacred.

Place no Blame, for all of Life is Perfect.

Take no Credit, for your Life is a Gift.

I believe in divine will. The concept of a conscious and immeasurable presence that exists seemingly on the outskirts of our awareness.

I believe in divine fate. The concept that this abovementioned presence guides the flow of a story, that all of life is a part of.

I believe in divine benevolent freedom. The concept that this abovementioned presence chooses to listen to our individual will's when creating our collective story of this planet earth.

I believe in divine service. The concept that i will accomplish exponentially more while experiencing exponentially more of what i want in my life in service to the presence that guides the world in which i live."

I am coming to realize..... that without understanding these concepts and choosing to believe in them... the full depth and capacity of the EN DAO systems will not make sense or function correctly.

This.... is a very tricky subject..... We cannot become a religion... and simply being too spiritual may give us the appearance of being one..... Which is why i havn't brought up such matters until now.

However.... it has become clear, beyond any doubt to me, that if we do not have some form of shared spiritual story.... We will be lacking something fundamental.

So i'm making a poll. How can we as briefly as possible summarize in a non dogmatic way whats truly important to all of us (or at least 90%)?


Michel (AHE) Wed 6 Dec 2017 9:06PM

a quick note before I go to bed.... it will be hard to impose a "dogme" on such a diverse group, however we can state what we have a common goal to serve... and that is the driving force and cohesion withing EN... if you want to stay as open as possible withing EN and intercultural, I am note sure we can extract a "doctrine" even this will be questionable in some area on the plannet and something that can't be deploy to 8B people might collapse down the road.

as evolving soul on the earth plane ... it is very difficult not to do harm, with some of emotional trauma and or "programmation", we might not even be aware of it
so have a rule "do not unnecessary harm" might be very often violated withing our community : we are who we are, on a path at our own pace. We will have triggers for sure, our commitment to address these situation with elegance is more important than "forcing" us in a system of promises we might not even know how to hold.

if we fight some time so be it, this is how we learn and manage to situation to recover a functional team that keep moving beyond our personal divergences.
if we have the support system (Embodiment Team) and other teammate to help us stay in a place of Love when we are loaded with frustration we will be fine.
we have to learn to get out from "punitive" system we we repress all bad behavior .. rather than enable us to go consciously down to our shadow side and heal together our wounds.

my personal approach would be to agree on values : as a human species I believe we can isolate the core values as humans specie we support.
value which are derived from "natural law" any "human-made" addition my not hold for the all humanity. Even if we believe in divine perfection, other won't...
we have a place in common : as we have the same mission here

transforming humanity on earth and make it work... and this despite all the ordeals we might encounter along our journey together. Remember we can make it fun or not, it is up you us :) <3

Within ACE (http://advancementofcivilizationeffort.org/team-ace/) we choose to have the 5 core values from the 5 Yama of the Social Ethics (Patanjali)
* Aparigraha Non-greed
* Ahimsa Non-violence
* Asteya Non-stealing
* Satya Truthfulness
* Brahmacharya : responsability and authenticity in all interactions with other beings, such that unconditional love is the intention in each interaction.

To me we don't need more

as we tried to translate into ethics and personal codes (Niyama) and this is where we failed to have 100% adoptions :

  • Contentment
  • Self-Discipline and Introspection
  • Austerity
  • Cleanliness
  • Surrender to the Cosmic Will

[ for instance I disagree on the Austerity point, it is not necessary in our modern society.


Dakota Kaiser Wed 6 Dec 2017 11:35PM

thank you for your offerings michel. I agree... it is difficult, if not impossible to move through the world without creating harm. Which is why the statement reads no unnecessary harm.


Dakota Kaiser Wed 6 Dec 2017 11:28PM

I hear you @alexiskegel. Yes. You are right.

Then, the 4 pillars of belief will be something i integrate into the Jhedi DAO of the EN.

However... i think those first 3 statements have great power to unify us.

Do no unnecessary Harm; for all of Life is Sacred.

Place no Blame, for all of Life is Perfect.

Take no Credit, for your Life is a Gift.

What do we think about those three simple concepts


Poll Created Wed 6 Dec 2017 11:29PM

Do you resonate/agree with these ideas? Closed Sat 9 Dec 2017 11:03PM

Do no unnecessary Harm; for all of Life is Sacred.

Place no Blame, for all of Life is Perfect.

Take no Credit, for your Life is a Gift


Results Option % of points Voters
Yes 57.1% 4 DK DM CB TS
Yes,but would like a slight adjustment to the wording/phrasing 42.9% 3 P JD S
No. 0.0% 0  

8 of 47 people have participated (17%)


Daniela Magalhães Thu 7 Dec 2017 2:32AM


I like it better than the previous one. Yes please be and let it be \o/ We are + water than anything & so it is eARTh... water flows and nourishes! Be water is the highest level we can be and who we truly are, back to the womb and complete within!


Thomas Price Sat 9 Dec 2017 12:46AM

I am not sure this is good way to go about this.


Thomas Price Sat 9 Dec 2017 12:49AM

I am not sure this is good way to go about this. What is the objective here?


Jimi Davinchi Sat 9 Dec 2017 11:28AM

Yes,but would like a slight adjustment to the wording/phrasing



Dakota Kaiser Wed 6 Dec 2017 11:36PM

@valentinrozman i would like to see from you the shortest description of destinis belief-system that we might be able to use.


Valentin Rozman Thu 7 Dec 2017 12:54PM

“Do no unnecessary Harm; for all of Life is Sacred.”
The core problems with every statement that uses “do not” and then referring to something “negative” is that subconscious mind ignores the word “not” and thus this is still affirmation to do the “negative”. So what the subconscious hears here is actually: “Do harm!”. Then the statement that all life is secret is problematic because it creates a separation and polarity based on a definition of what is Sacred and what is not Sacred. A popular definition of the word Sacred it which is connected to God. Thus since all things are connected to each other, all is Sacred.

“Place no Blame, for all of Life is Perfect.”
Again affirming the negative (blame). Then the problem with using the word Perfect is that its definition is something desirable, absolute and complete and thus no need to change it. However, we can see that this existence is beyond perfect and it absolutely requires radical change. Next, the statement can be interpreted that blaming is ok if something is not perfect. Blame is an emotional reaction as projected self-criticism. So despite realizing that much is not perfect, we can still drop the projection, take self-responsibility for what we see is not perfect and then perfect it within emotional stability.

“Take no Credit, for your Life is a Gift.”
Taking credit is ok in terms of understanding that each of us plays a part in this existence and actions of each one of us have consequences. The problem occurs only when you start to define yourself as something more than others based on your achievements which then creates inner conflict and results of feeling good. So understanding self-responsibility while staying emotionally stable is acceptable. Next defining life as a gift is again making it something special. Gift from who? Since when understanding that we are life, what sense makes to give self to self? Life is not given, it is.

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