Thu 15 Oct 2015 4:32PM

Gathering SENSORICA ui/ux requirements

BH Bob Haugen Public Seen by 232

Suggested by Paola Di Maio:
...could a new, more narrowly focused thread help us forward ?
something titled ' gathering sensorica ui/ux requirements' where we
can ask all sensorica network maybe even an more extended network of
general people outside sensorica (our stakeholder basis, potential
users of sensorica artefacts) to input on what they want the new
interface to do. how they want to do it etc

Then you could gather them and sort them then we could have a go at
analysing them and then later decide how to go about tackling them
(maybe with the help of some our experts on the swisi w3c community?)


Maria Frangos Tue 20 Oct 2015 3:33PM

Hi Fabio, I agree with prioritizing tasks (Bob, Lynn and I talked about user Gitter for work flow). However, I am reluctant to put a hard time requirement for two reasons: 1) at this point, the use-cases and features have not been determined. It's impossible to know how much time this will take at this point; 2) This is a tricky project. We are doing 2 things here at the same time: creating temporary fixes to improve the system we have (I will work with people to help visualise the priorities). I will also come up with proposals for rethinking the anatomy and UX of the entire software (based on the the use-cases we agree on) so that it becomes easy to use (and fun!).

So, I see my role in taking the lead to make a better user experience but working with others to determine what the software will be :)

To your idea, I had been thinking about a "dashboard" page the user could configure but I want to focus on defining the use cases first. I also think it's important for people to be able to easily log their contributions and have a concrete idea for that.

I don't understand what you mean about separating the visuals and content. I don't think one can separate these too. But perhaps I am not understanding you correctly.

And indeed, we would not need a tutorial if the app is done correctly (which it will). We can create tooltips (small text messages that appear when the user mouses over an important part of the app) for new users that they can turn off.

Please feel free to join in the meeting this afternoon at 2PM EDT :)


Greg Cassel Tue 20 Oct 2015 4:40PM

Hi I'm new here and I'll try to introduce myself properly soon. :) Quick note about your reference to Gitter, @mariafrangos : I see where it may have advantages for github work flows, which could be a decisive advantage for Sensorica. FYI some Enspiral folks are keen on trying Mattermost as an open source alternative to Slack. We're kind of dependent on Slack right now, so it would start with an experiment as opposed to a wholesale migration. Anyway, feel free to check Mattermost out, since I'm sure you're interested in open source :) and I can update you later on our Mattermost experiment. Likewise, I'm sure many Enspiral folks would be interested in any Gitter experiences.