Thu 15 Oct 2015 4:32PM

Gathering SENSORICA ui/ux requirements

BH Bob Haugen Public Seen by 232

Suggested by Paola Di Maio:
...could a new, more narrowly focused thread help us forward ?
something titled ' gathering sensorica ui/ux requirements' where we
can ask all sensorica network maybe even an more extended network of
general people outside sensorica (our stakeholder basis, potential
users of sensorica artefacts) to input on what they want the new
interface to do. how they want to do it etc

Then you could gather them and sort them then we could have a go at
analysing them and then later decide how to go about tackling them
(maybe with the help of some our experts on the swisi w3c community?)


Lynn Foster Thu 15 Oct 2015 5:02PM

Pulling this from other discussions:

This is a beginning list of user stories for NRP, created to help with UI discussions. We can develop this a lot further.

  1. As a person doing work on a project, I want to easily log my work, so that I don’t have to spend extra time on that when I can be doing “real work”, so that I can earn rewards when the project makes income.

  2. As a person doing work, I want to log my work in the context of the project’s plan, so I don’t have to enter everything about what I am doing, rather just log against the plan.

  3. As a person doing work, I want others to log their inputs that involve my work (usage, consumption, and citations), so that the resource flows are created properly, so that I can also share in income from their work which my efforts helped.

  4. As a person doing work, I want to be able to find the inputs I use easily and for that information to be accurate, so that all the resource flows are created properly, so that everyone receives compensation for their contributions fairly.

  5. As a person doing non-project work (“overhead” work), I want to be able to easily log my work, so that I can also share in eventual rewards coming in to the network.

  6. As an affiliate of the network, I want to be able to see in one place what is relevant to me, so that I don’t have to look around in the software.

  7. As a project team or as a team coordinator or responsible person, we want to get an overview of the current work in our project, so that we can easily see the status and any potential problems.

  8. As a planner, I want to be able to create work plans from recipes that are already set up to reflect the type of work I want to happen, so that it is really easy to create plans.

  9. As a planner, I want to be able to create work plans one-off in any way I see fit, so that planning does not have to follow pre-set patterns.

  10. As a newcomer to the network, I want to be able to see where I might plug in to the existing efforts (for example, what projects are active, who is doing what work, what is needed), so that I can contribute where it is important.

  11. As a person making a purchase or a financial or material contribution, I want to easily log that contribution, so that I can earn rewards when the project has income.

  12. As a person working in an exchange firm, I want to be able to create orders and sales information for everything I sell that was made in the context of the network, so that the work to create the products/services happens to fulfil the order, and the complete flow is created correctly.

  13. As a person working in an exchange firm, I want to be able to distribute the income easily, so that the money will flow correctly into the network with a portion going to the exchange firm.

  14. As a project team, we want to be able to distribute income in any way we choose, so that we can democratically decide this based on our needs and wishes.

  15. As a person who received a distribution, I want to allocate that distribution back into the network or a project, or get a payout for myself easily, so that my distributions are used as I want.

Added to by Frederic Durville:

Another case would be for a financial contributor (such as for the Sensorica 3D printer), I would like to see how my financial contribution is being used, or how significant it is.

In the case of the 3D printer, as a “shared owner”, it would nice to see how (or how much) it is being used, and what revenue (if any) is generated from it.


Brastaviceanu Daniel Thu 15 Oct 2015 5:26PM

About 3D printer use, I've been logging in this spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1802qjssS3lGf0MQmTIN18kWD98v_qI4MwhwKFKD6f58/edit#gid=16956553
I also used this spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xyrttf6KgBx2x8KlvIi1mQm02vl-Akawn4MSCwkjqoI/edit#gid=0

About UI for the VAS app:
1- Most important feature I think is to make it Social like Facebook. People create a profile and can subscribe to groups, pages, projects, etc, in related fields of interest and expertise. Whatever work we do, we share it (beyond logging) and all the ''Friends'' and subscribers related see it in the Timeline. Likes (or 5 star evaluation), comments and shares help quantify the Value of your work. Comments are a good source of feedback.
2- The VAS or NRP is in the background of the Social app.


Maria Frangos Thu 15 Oct 2015 5:35PM

@brastaviceanudanie - Daniel, you are thinking along the same lines as me :) To me, the NRP should be a combination of a social network + workflow app and resource management tool. To this end, I like @fredericdurville idea about seeing the impact of contributions. There is a lot of potential to visualise the impact of contributions. From the social aspect, we talked about creating a searchable network page that would list the people involved in the network. Things like an affiliate's / user's skill sets, involvement in projects, plus basic contact info are a good starting point.


Frederic Durville Thu 15 Oct 2015 8:53PM

Thanks Daniel for pointing to the spreadsheet.
So according to your spreadsheet, the 3D printer generated approximately just a little over $5,000 of revenues over one year, and out of that Sensorica got about $260. Is this correct?


Bob Haugen Fri 16 Oct 2015 1:08PM

As you think about this process, you might want to read this:

We are almost finished with the pioneering stage. You are starting the transition.


Tiberius Brastaviceanu Sun 18 Oct 2015 9:20PM

I think the theory behind the OVN model and the Infrastructure layout, which was designed and part of it emerged as the OVN model was defined over time in context, need to inform UX/UI design.
Yes, the user needs to do all the above, but why? What's the larger picture behind that?

We need to think about: swarming projects, stigmergy, visuals of all sorts of flows, analysis and evaluation tools, feedback mechanisms, ...
For instance, if SENSORICA wants to be able to operate at large scale, = swarming projects, we need stigmergy = ability to live behind traces with instructions and allow others to easily build on our work. If we want these swarms to self-organize, we need to render the data from activities in ways that inform affiliates to act in a way that increases the viability of the project.

Yes, we want to log work, we want to socialize our work, we want to understand the impact of our work, but in the end, what's the model behind SENSORICA which should drive all these actions coherently? That model is described in the wiki and it should inform at the highest level UX and UI.


Note that these pages need updates.


Maria Frangos Mon 19 Oct 2015 1:19AM

I think that if we ever going to achieve the goal of having a user friendly interface, we need to make the abstract concrete. This is why the use cases format works so well. From my position, I am cool with whatever functionality (regardless of how complex) is needed. As long as it is expressed in simple to understand statements. Also, different users will use the app for different reasons. Some will want to go deeper and revisit all the documentation. Others won't. A good UI supports users at every level of interaction and allows users who want to access more complex actions to do so easily. So Tibi, I understand where you are coming from but could you (or someone else) translate these into simple use cases?


Tiberius Brastaviceanu Mon 19 Oct 2015 2:14AM

Yes Maria, if you think we need to translate them, we will.

For the co-design process, we need to realize that there are people in SENSORICA who are only focused on narrow tasks, and others who want to build an organization. You find this in any community or organization. Some pedal and some watch where we're going. It is important to listen to those who are watching where we're going too. This is a rough categorization, there are all sort of people, ... but my point is that people will provide different use cases based on their experience with the network.


Maria Frangos Mon 19 Oct 2015 2:42PM

I think that would work. The more use cases, the better. I will outline a draft of a process (steps) in co-designing the OVN and invite people to edit or add to it. I will focus on the more narrow tasks and encourage others who have more experience with building the organisation to add in what I might have left out. To your earlier point, I agree that visualisation should be an integral component.


Fabio Balli Tue 20 Oct 2015 3:00AM

Shouldn't we create a Google spreadsheet to list all our suggestions in Scum form with time required and value created to prioritze them ?

For Breathing Games, I started a doc to document how we use the VAS : BG-1-7

And as said a few days ago : maybe one thing could be to separate the visuals and contents so that we have just one page that can be configured by each user according to their needs ? We then would have blocks (graph of contributions, form to add a contribution, network affiliations, etc).

Ideally, we would not need any tuturial if we have a path that guides us in the interface. :-)

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