Sun 11 Feb 2018 7:08PM


J Jannic Public Seen by 36

Jannic Sat 17 Feb 2018 8:55PM

Mineral Exploration Network y también "Metal Tiger"


Jannic Wed 14 Mar 2018 12:08PM

www.rosiamontana.org "...Roșia Montană Gold Corporation (RMGC) is owned 80% by Gabriel Resources (TSX: GBU)-- a small, inexperienced, financially limited Canadian mining company that wishes to relocate the Roșia Montană residents, in order to implement the greatest open-cast mine in Europe. The other 20% of the shares are held by Minvest, a state-owned mining company. Since its very beginnings, this project has caused a great deal of outrage, as it was riddled with operational problems and was met with categoric opposition at a local, national, as well as international level. The Newmont (NTSE: NEM) American mining company holds 10% of the Gabriel Resources shares as well..."


Jannic Fri 6 Apr 2018 7:27PM

La Junta concede una subvención de 5,32 millones de euros a la empresa minera que gestionará la mina de wolframio de La Parrilla en Almoharín

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