
Experiment with some new polling types!

JK James Kiesel Public Seen by 90

Hello product development community!

We've been hard at over the summer, developing up some brand new ways of making decisions with Loomio, which we're ready to release for beta testing. The current additions:

  • Polls Ask users to select one or multiple choices from a user-defined list of options
  • Counts Ask users to respond to a yes or no question

And coming up on the roadmap:
- Dot voting Users can distribute a set number of 'points' amongst a set of user-defined options
- Event planning Find a time that works for everyone (Doodle style)
- Brainstorm Allow users to submit ideas en masse without the need to judge them

I've enabled the new polling features in this group, which you'll see in a card marked 'Decision tools' on the right hand side. We're hoping the functionality will explain itself; if not, let us know!


We're very excited about this new step in the Loomio product, and look forward to your feedback. Enjoy!


Danyl Strype Sun 9 Apr 2017 6:46PM

Ae, I think we're iterating towards the same position from opposite starting points. Loomio's original interface traditionally worked by "tying polls tightly to a meta-discussion via a comment thread", and a major design decision has been made to move away from that. We all agree (I think) that being able to associate a poll with A discussion area is good, but also that it doesn't have to be a comment thread on Loomio. With the polls becoming more "much more granular", as @robertguthrie puts it, it opens up possibilities for integrating them into other platforms that folks like @bobhaugen have been asking for #UXWin !
EDIT: formatting


Poll Created Mon 13 Mar 2017 9:20AM

Which voting methods are acceptable according to you? Closed Mon 1 May 2017 8:02AM

I create a new poll because I when I found this thread the poll was already closed and I wanted to test it :) See https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/voting-methods/ for explanation of several voting methods


Results Option % of points Voters
Condorcet Rule 26.9% 7 QG ZB SP DU IR DK LP
Approval Voting 15.4% 4 QG ZB DU IR
The Hare Rule 11.5% 3 JK ZB IR
Plurality Rule 7.7% 2 ZB SP
Borda Count 7.7% 2 ZB SP
Plurality with Runoff 7.7% 2 ZB LP
Coombs Rule 7.7% 2 JK ZB
Negative Voting 7.7% 2 ZB IR
Cumulative Voting 3.8% 1 ZB
Dodgson's Method 3.8% 1 ZB

9 of 275 people have participated (3%)


Quentin Grimaud Mon 13 Mar 2017 9:22AM

Approval Voting
Condorcet Rule

great feature! :) :)


William Asiata Mon 17 Apr 2017 7:40AM

Approval Voting
Condorcet Rule

I dream of a system that successfully combines Condorcet ranking/preference and approval methods into one.


Z. Blace Fri 28 Apr 2017 6:54PM

Plurality Rule
Borda Count
Plurality with Runoff
The Hare Rule
Coombs Rule
Negative Voting
Approval Voting
Cumulative Voting
Dodgson's Method
Condorcet Rule

why make choices if all can be implemented as applets/plugins?


Doug Webb Tue 9 May 2017 7:32PM

Hello! I missed the boat with this one... Approval voting has been mentioned and scored fairly high in the poll. Approval voting is a sub-type of score voting (a.k.a. rating.) In approval voting you rate using two 'levels', in score voting you rate with 3 or more levels.

Rating methods such as approval/score (cardinal systems) have a lot of theoretical and practical benefits over ranking methods such as Condorect/Coombs/Hare/Borda/etc (ordinal systems) in terms of actually identifying what people want.

Very interested to hear if score voting is in the pipeline and if not, happy to advocate further! :sweat_smile: For further info on this subject do check out this amazing email list for ongoing discourse about Social Choice theory and this informed but opinionated website about Score Voting.


Quentin Grimaud Tue 9 May 2017 9:27PM

On a side note, during the last few months in France, a recent voting method is being very positively discussed: it's called Majority Judgment. I am curious what you guys think about it :)


William Asiata Wed 10 May 2017 2:05AM

Wow thanks for that email list link Doug! - I just had a look and just found out that PAV had already been invented/theorised about a decade before I even began to come up with it myself - it is really awesome to know that PAV academia already came into existence (about 10 years) before I invented/coined the exact same theory of PAV in my own informal intellectual ramblings seen here: https://www.loomio.org/d/zgYdEaFp/internet-party-democracy

I understand that PAV, which combines both Approval and Preferential/Condorcet voting, is the most optimally inclusive method to achieve a voter convergence outcome.
When openly electing from the group member base it also produces new organic data about where social edges/bonds exist within a group, and which members already naturally tend to serve as central points of group cohesion for a given type of member function (i.e. the responsibilities of the role that is up for election).


Doug Webb Sat 13 May 2017 8:50PM

Hi Quentin. Majority Judgement looks pretty good: it's a score voting system with some additional features. I recall reading somewhere that the authors found good reasons to use verbal indicators instead of numeric indicators...


Doug Webb Sat 13 May 2017 8:56PM

Glad you find it useful! Don't get dragged in though... some of those conversations are a bit mind-warping. I would be very interested to test out a proportional approval or score voting app. For me I'm still mostly concerned with single-winner methods.

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