Tue 22 Jan 2019 10:54PM

ELF Loomio Voting mechanics

DC Dean Cameron Public Seen by 132

only a small number of votes on Loomio have passed with a consensus. It is also not clear what an abstention means, or what a failure to participate means. I want us to clarify this as currently, the group is dysfunctional in that we can't make even basic decisions on things like who can vote what a Loomio quorum is and what a vote means.


Dean Cameron
Tue 22 Jan 2019 11:57PM

hopefully this will curb group apathy when it comes to voting?


Rodney Whitman
Wed 23 Jan 2019 12:53AM

If we see a vote I think we should at least vote abstain to show others we are at least aware of the vote even if we are not interested in the outcome. That at least get gives the group as a whole an understanding of who is engaged and who is not paying attention or is too busy.


Sun 27 Jan 2019 7:43AM

I think the next stage it to work out the hierarchy/decision buckets and what that looks like.


pospi Fri 25 Jan 2019 9:22AM

For what it's worth there is a previous thread here which this one is a duplicate of. When reading through or aggregating this discussion, one should probably consider both threads.


pospi Fri 25 Jan 2019 9:30AM

FYI I'm still thinking about what to do with non-voters and I've asked the experts for their input


pospi Fri 25 Jan 2019 10:31AM

Interesting feedback from the creators of Loomio:

  • Having everybody vote on every issue is an anti-pattern and generally does not work well
  • Working groups (with delegated authority that is bound within a set of constraints) are a useful hack around this

Other options: if insufficient votes have been cast, the decision stands but only for a short duration

Discussion continues as to whether or not these assertions change depending on the group size. But I can see working groups being a useful way forward- for example, not everybody cares about how we do the costing for new projects, so a set of us could work on that and report back our designs once we feel we're ready. In order to do this really well though, we're probably looking at upgrading Loomio to a paid account so that we can have sub-groups- and that's $40/mo :/


pospi Sun 27 Jan 2019 7:48AM

In the January '19 ELF meeting @deancameron @moniquekurdian @sun7 @kitteaasdis @tom120 @nicolehinton @rodneywhitman & myself, decided that on the first vote for an issue, all votes must be "agree" or "abstain".

We also decided that if anyone disagrees, the issue is discussed again & the dissenter is offered a chance to debate the issue to amend the proposal. If this does not result in full group consensus, it can go to a re-vote where only a 75% quorum is needed.